"Unbreech" is a word in ENGLISH

unbreech ENGLISH

To remove the breeches of; to divest or strip of

unbreech ENGLISH

To free the breech of, as a cannon, from its
fastenings or coverings.

Few words of positivity

To find the inner peace be utmost honest to yourself.

Debasish Mridha

Laugh your heart out.

Yo mama so fat when she goes to an amusement park, people try to ride HER!

abutment ENGLISH

In breech-loading firearms, the block behind the barrel which receives the pressure due to recoil.

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acanthus ENGLISH

A genus of herbaceous prickly plants, found in the south of Europe, Asia Minor, and India; bear's-breech.

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action ENGLISH

Effective motion; also, mechanism; as, the breech action of a gun.

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alóghog - A running line, any rope or string, attached by means of rings or a channel, through which it …

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bahág - A loin cloth; to wear only a loincloth. Indì ka magbahág, kóndì magpuróy ka gid. Don’t go out …

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bear's-breech ENGLISH

The English cow parsnip (Heracleum sphondylium)

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bear's-breech ENGLISH

See Acanthus, n., 1.

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bolster ENGLISH

A block of wood on the carriage of a siege gun, upon which the breech of the gun rests when …

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bombard ENGLISH

Padded breeches.

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brankursine ENGLISH

Bear's-breech, or Acanthus.

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breech ENGLISH

To fasten with breeching.

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breech ENGLISH

To whip on the breech.

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breech ENGLISH

The lower part of the body behind; the buttocks.

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breech ENGLISH

To cover as with breeches.

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breech ENGLISH

The hinder part of anything; esp., the part of a cannon, or other firearm, behind the chamber.

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breech ENGLISH

To put into, or clothe with, breeches.

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breech ENGLISH

The external angle of knee timber, the inside of which is called the throat.

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breech ENGLISH

To fit or furnish with a breech; as, to breech a gun.

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breechblock ENGLISH

The movable piece which closes the breech of a breech-loading firearm, and resists the backward force of the discharge. It …

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