"Ultimo" is a word in TAGALOG, ENGLISH

ultimo ENGLISH

In the month immediately preceding the present; as, on the
1st ultimo; -- usually abbreviated to ult. Cf. Proximo.

ultimo TAGALOG

Definition: (adj) last; final
Notes: Spanish

Few words of positivity

Hopefully one day we will pledge allegiance to the Earth and ALL the people on it.

Rick Lepard

Laugh your heart out.

President Dubya was awakened one night by an urgent call from the Pentagon. "Mr. President," said the four-star general, barely able to contain himself, "there's good news & bad news." "Oh, no," muttered the President, "Well, let me have the bad news first." "The bad news, sir, is that we've been invaded by creatures from another planet." "Gosh, and the good news?" "The good news, sir, is that they eat reporters and pee oil."


sulud v {1} [A2; a12] go in, into. Dílì ta makasulud sa sini saylu sa alas nuybi, We cannot get …

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arbitrator ENGLISH

A person, or one of two or more persons, chosen by parties who have a controversy, to determine their differences. …

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gadsman ENGLISH

One who uses a gad or goad in driving.

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kuddot ILOKANO

v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ to pinch. Kinuddot nak diay maestra tayo. Our teacher pinched me.

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warted ENGLISH

Having little knobs on the surface; verrucose; as, a warted capsule.

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homage ENGLISH

To cause to pay homage.

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repetitional ENGLISH

Alt. of Repetitionary

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mathematician ENGLISH

One versed in mathematics.

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bulding ILOKANO

adj. one-eyed; blind in one eye. /MANG-:-AN/ to blind in one eye, to injure or destroy an eye of. BULDOSER …

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bethink ENGLISH

To call to mind; to recall or bring to recollection, reflection, or consideration; to think; to consider; -- generally followed …

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mesometrium ENGLISH

The fold of the peritoneum supporting the oviduct.

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hallucal ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the hallux.

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prep. including, together with, and also, as well as.

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tough-pitch ENGLISH

Copper so reduced; -- called also tough-cake.

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epistle ENGLISH

A writing directed or sent to a person or persons; a written communication; a letter; -- applied usually to formal, …

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A visitor; a person received and entertained in one's house or at one's table; a visitor entertained without pay.

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