"Ultima" is a word in ENGLISH, CEBUANO

ultima ENGLISH

Most remote; furthest; final; last.

ultima ENGLISH

The last syllable of a word.

ultima CEBUANO

ultima n {1} last, final after all the others.
Ultima na lang ning ákung pag-anhi dinhi, This will be my last visit here.
{2} = ultimu, n1.
úra at the last minute.
Ultima úra giyud nang idisidir ug lakaw, She always decides to go at the eleventh hour.
v [A3; b6] ask s.
to give his final decision.
Giultimahan siya nákù ug magpakasal ba siya u dílì, I asked him once and for all if he was going to marry me.

Few words of positivity

Here, where we had done the most of our growing up, the old family home had been a fortress against the world. This is something that the children of immigrants all know.

Robert Laxalt, Sweet Promised Land

Laugh your heart out.

Q1: What vehicle does T-Rex use to go from planet to planet?A: A Dinosaucer

dernier ENGLISH

Pertaining to the last or final things.

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eschatology ENGLISH

The doctrine of the last or final things, as death, judgment, and the events therewith connected.

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extreme ENGLISH

Last; final; conclusive; -- said of time; as, the extreme hour of life.

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Pertaining to the end or conclusion; last; terminating; ultimate; as, the final day of a school term.

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Definitive; terminating; completed ; last. In its use in jurisprudence, this word is generally contrasted with “interlocu-tory.” Johnson v. New …

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finale ENGLISH

The last composition performed in any act of an opera.

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finale ENGLISH

The last movement of a symphony, sonata, concerto, or any instrumental composition.

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finally ENGLISH

At the end or conclusion; ultimately; lastly; as, the contest was long, but the Romans finally conquered.

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gallyambic ENGLISH

Consisting of two iambic dimeters catalectic, the last of which lacks the final syllable; -- said of a kind of …

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hagtus CEBUANO

hagtus v {1} [AB23(1)] for a line, rope to break under tension, cause it to do so. Mihagtus ang íyang …

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judgment ENGLISH

The final award; the last sentence.

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kaolihanan HILIGAYNON

kaolihánan - The end, last things, latter happenings, final outcome. (olíhi; cf. katapúsan).

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kasanyogan HILIGAYNON

kasanyogán - Continuance, continuation, durability, permanence, persistence, lastingness, quality of lasting long, decision, determination. Ang katinarán kag kasanyogán sang bánwa——. …

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katapusan HILIGAYNON

katapúsan - End, finish, completion, termination, expiration, wind up, consummation, denouement, limit, stoppage, close, conclusion, finale, finis, period, term, terminus, …

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In conclusion; finally.

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Being after all the others, similarly classed or considered, in time, place, or order of succession; following all the rest; …

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lastly ENGLISH

at last; finally.

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latter ENGLISH

Last; latest; final.

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lauy a lacking sleep. Lauy ku kay nagbilar ku gabíi, I lack sleep because I kept vigil last night. v …

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