"Uldawun" is a word in CEBUANO

uldawun CEBUANO

uldáwun n a hand in mahjong where all the pieces are open on the table except the one or two pieces which one is holding waiting to get mahjong.

Few words of positivity

Wise is the woman who rises above her circumstances.

Liz Curtis Higgs, Bad Girls of the Bible: And What We Can Learn from Them

Laugh your heart out.

A man speaks frantically into the phone, "My wife is pregnant, and her contractions are only two minutes apart!" "Is this her first child?" the doctor queries. "No, you idiot!" the man shouts. "This is her *husband*!"

ap-andawun CEBUANO

ap-andawun n the situation in a game of mahjong where to obtain mahjong (go out) the player needs to complete …

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ay n a pair of mahjong pieces of the same number and design. In order to get mahjong, a set …

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bangkaw CEBUANO

bangkaw n {1} spear which is thrown. {2} piece in mahjong with the image of a dagger. v [A; a1b2] …

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baraha CEBUANO

baráha n playing card. bistu ang it is clear what you (he, etc. ) has up his sleeve. nga dunut …

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bintus CEBUANO

bintus n mahjong pieces which represent the winds. Occasion-ally, the pieces which represent the grasses, daggers, and mir-rors also are …

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birdi a {1} green. {2} dirty, o? -color story. {3} name given to a mahjong piece with a green grass …

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budabil CEBUANO

budabil n {1} vaudeville. {2} combination of mahjong pieces consisting of dagger, mirror, and grass pieces. -ay v [C] play …

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buki n {1} bouquet of flowers. {2} set of four consecutive mahjong pieces of the flower design (búlak, 2a). v …

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búlak n {1} flower, blossom. {1a} woman (metaphor). Ikaw ang búlak nga ákung gipangítà, You are the maid (lit. flower) …

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bulbul CEBUANO

bulbul n {1} pubic hair. {2} name given to the green dragon piece in mahjong. v [a4] grow pubic hairs. …

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búnut v {1} [A; ab2] pull s.t. that is in between s.t. Hináyag búnut ang húnus, Pull the drawers out …

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dágir n {1} dagger. {2} name given to the red dragon (drágun) piece in mahjong. v [ab2] stab with a …

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díga v [A; b6] {1} ask for a definite answer to a proposal. Digáhan ku siya sa ámung sábut, Im …

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disisayis CEBUANO

disisayis n sixteen. v see disiutsu. kartas mahjong game with sixteen pieces (instead of the usual thirteen).

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dragun CEBUANO

drágun n {1} dragon. {2} name of one of the suits in mahjong. It consists of three sets of four …

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dyukir CEBUANO

dyúkir a {1} fond of making jokes. {2} one who goofed, made a ludicrous mistake. Kadyúkir nímu. Ngánung gikandadúhan nímung …

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ik-ik n the isti piece of mahjong.

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iskalira CEBUANO

iskalíra n in mahjong, a set of consecutive pieces of the same design, numbered from 19. plásis hand in mahjong …

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isplt n extra piece which the dealer in mahjong gets as a privilege. He starts the game by discarding a …

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isti n the east piece, the name of one of the winds (bintus). {2} the dealer in a mahjong game. …

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