"Ulaynon" is a word in HILIGAYNON


uláynon - Virginal, pure, undefiled. (cf.

Few words of positivity

When love is real, even when you can't find it under mountains of hurt feelings and shuttered emotions, it's not really gone. All it takes is finding one new reason to fall in love. Just one, and all the other reasons become clear again.

Amy E. Reichert, Luck, Love & Lemon Pie

Laugh your heart out.

We have women in the military, but they don't put us in the front lines. They don't know if we can fight, if we can kill. I think we can. All the general has to do is walk over to the women and say, 'You see the enemy over there? They say you look fat in those uniforms.'

snoring ENGLISH

The act of respiring through the open mouth so that the currents of inspired and expired air cause a vibration …

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gakid-gakid HILIGAYNON

gakíd-gakíd - Dry ear-wax, cerumen. (cf. bakídbakíd).

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The change of one set of workmen for another; hence, a spell, or turn, of work; also, a set of …

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pyromagnetic ENGLISH

Acting by the agency of heat and magnetism; as, a pyromagnetic machine for producing electric currents.

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recruit ENGLISH

Specifically, a man enlisted for service in the army; a newly enlisted soldier.

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plantocracy ENGLISH

Government by planters; planters, collectively.

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marlite ENGLISH

A variety of marl.

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Later, succeeding, subsequent to, Inferior In point of time or of priority or preference

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guttiferous ENGLISH

Pertaining to a natural order of trees and shrubs (Guttiferae) noted for their abounding in a resinous sap.

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whistler ENGLISH

The hoary, or northern, marmot (Arctomys pruinosus).

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sarlistun CEBUANO

sarlistun n Charleston dance. v [A12; a12] dance the Charleston.

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coraled ENGLISH

Having coral; covered with coral.

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One of the individual animals in a composite group, as of Anthozoa, Hydroidea, and Bryozoa; -- sometimes restricted to those …

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engore ENGLISH
anglit-anglit HILIGAYNON

anglít-ánglit - Dim. of ánglit. Anything resembling a small cooking-pot. The phrase "nagaanglít-ánglit silá nga duhá” is often used in …

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urtica ENGLISH

A genus of plants including the common nettles. See Nettle, n.

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partidista CEBUANO

partidista see partídu.

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sluice ENGLISH

The stream flowing through a flood gate.

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shuffle ENGLISH

To mix by pushing or shoving; to confuse; to throw into disorder; especially, to change the relative positions of, as …

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