"Uksinada" is a word in CEBUANO

uksinada CEBUANO

uksináda = uksihináda.
agwa = uksihináda.

Few words of positivity

He who loves lies suffers from no disease than lies! He who believes in and acts upon lies suffers from no disease than ignorance!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Laugh your heart out.

With the divorce rate so high in America, a new organization has beenformed called "Marriage Anonymous." Whenever a guy feels like gettingmarried, they send over a woman with crulers in her hair, cream on herface and wearing a torn housecoat to nag him out of it.

uksihinada CEBUANO

uksihináda n hydrogen peroxide. v [b6] apply or clean s.t. with hydrogen peroxide.

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