"Ui" is a word in CEBUANO


úi a acronym for over-acting: putting on airs, engaging in exag-gerated actions uncalled for by the situation.
Úing muhílak arun tugtan, Putting on a big show of crying so she would be allowed to go.
v [B] overact.
Naúi siya arun himatikdan sa ulitáwu, She started to put on a big act so the young man would notice her.

Few words of positivity

easily the best thing in her life at the moment was her secret.

Nick Hornby, Juliet, Naked

Laugh your heart out.

A husband and wife were at a party chatting with some friends when the subject of marriage counseling came up. "Oh, we'll never need that. My wife and I have a great relationship,"the husband explained. "She was a communications major in college and I majored in theatre arts." He continued, "She communicates well and I act like I'm listening."

amping CEBUANO

amping v [A; b(1)] treat s.t. with care, be careful with s.t. Mag-amping ka arun dílì ka masámad, Be careful …

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dakù a {1} big, great. Dakù na ang íyang anak, Her child is grown up now. ug anínu prominent person. …

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gangut CEBUANO

gángut v {1} [A; b] close s.t. by tying it. Gangúti ang pultahan kay walay trangka, Tie the door to …

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hadluk CEBUANO

hadluk v [AN; a1b3(1)c] scare, frighten s. o. Kinsay mihad-luk (nanghadluk) nímu? Who frightened you? Hadlúka arun muhílum, Scare him …

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hagtak CEBUANO

hagtak v {1} [A; c] make a cracking or banging sound of objects on colliding or falling, drop s.t. making …

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hamun, hámun v [A; c] take s.t. big and shove it in ones mouth to eat it. Ihamun lang níya …

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istaka CEBUANO

istáka n stake or peg to hold s.t. v [A; a2] make, drive or use a stake. {2} [A; a] …

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kalabaw CEBUANO

kalabaw n carabao, water bu? alo. dakung fully grown, old enough. Dakù ka nang kábaw wà gihápun kay buut, Youre …

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káti, kátì v {1} [A; a] set s.t. into motion by providing a stimulus or catalyst. {1a} use, lure s.t. …

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kíya, kíyà v [AB; c1] rock from side to side, cause s.t. to do so. Dagkung balud mauy nagkíyà sa …

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kúbir n {1} cover. Kúbir sa magasin, Magazine cover. {2} amount charged per setting in a dinner party at a …

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labaw v {1} [B3; c] jut out higher than s.t. , stick out farther from the margin or limit. Milabaw …

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labung CEBUANO

labung, lábung a {1} abundant and long of growth. Labung (lábung) ang buhuk sa ákung anak, My child has thick, …

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lima numeral five. v see tulu. limangkà v [A3; c1] having the legs crossed at the ankles. Mili-mangkà siya sa …

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luag a {1} loose, not tightly attached or wound around. Luag kaáyu pagkabaáta ang písì, The rope is loosely tied. …

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manids CEBUANO

mánids v [A] manage a business. -ir() manager. -ir() hiniral n general manager. n manager of a business or boxer. …

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pitlud CEBUANO

pitlud v [A; b] {1} pluck o? the ends of young stems to make the plant spread. Pitluran ang tabákù …

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puwi sound used to represent spitting, said as a gesture of scorn. Puwi, nagpauluininglis pa nákù ag dakug bàbà arun …

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risibi CEBUANO

risibi v [A; a12] {1} look after, take care of. Ug dì ka kamau murisibi sa mga urkids, mangamátay lang …

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sábak v {1} [A; c1] put s.t. in ones lap to carry it. Dì ku musábak nímu kay dakù ka, …

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