"Uglily" is a word in ENGLISH

uglily ENGLISH

In an ugly manner; with deformity.

Few words of positivity

Some men will never be heroes, some heroes will never be men, he thought, with urgent acknowledgements to Joseph Conrad.

John le Carré, The Russia House

Laugh your heart out.

Q. What do you have when only one line dancer comes to your party?A. A One Liner!

aglipay GAY LINGO

ugly Pinay ( jowang pokpok na chaka ng mayaman na foreigner )

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aglipay GAY LINGO

ugly Pinay(Filipina) ( jowang pokpok na chaka ng mayaman na foreigner )

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adj. /NA-/ ugly, not pretty; improper, indecent. --var. (dial.) GALAS. 2 ALAS [f. Sp.], n. ace of playing cards. 3 …

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alimuut CEBUANO

alimúut (from púut) a confining, oppressive so as to make people feel uncomfortably hot. Alimúut nang naylung isul-ub, Nylon is …

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amat a bad, ugly, poor in quality. Amat ang klási ning panap-túna, This cloth is of poor quality. Amat siyag …

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ángay ought to. Ángay kang magtuun arun makapasar ka, You ought to study if you want to pass. Dì nà …

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animas CEBUANO

animas a {1} for a person to be emaciated and ugly in appear-ance. Pagkasakit níya sa tísis, daut siya kaáyu …

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asiénda - (Sp. hacienda) A farm on an extensive scale, large landed property, plantation. (cf. palangúmhan). asíg, An exclamation denoting …

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bakulaw CEBUANO

bakulaw n ugly-faced supernatural being said to abduct small children and hide them from their parents. Ayaw pagsábà kay tingálig …

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balót - Vapid, stale, bad, rotten; ugly, nasty. Itlog nga balót. A rotten egg. Tabákò nga balót. Bad tobacco. (cf. …

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balulang CEBUANO

balúlang (not without l) n breed of fighting cock which runs away when wounded. a one who quits when hurt. …

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barót - Bad, insipid, stale, rotten, mouldy, applied chiefly to tobacco and cigars; ugly, bad-complexioned (of persons). Barót nga tabákò. …

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barut n tobacco that is of the lowest class. Ibaligyag kinilu ang barut, The cheapest k. o. tobacco is sold …

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batì a {1} inferior in quality. Ayaw pagpalit ug sinínang batì, Dont buy clothes which are inferior in quality. {2} …

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baul, bául a {1} out of shape, poorly proportioned. Bául ug nawung, Having an ill-proportioned face. {2} not resonant in …

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bawhinya CEBUANO

bawhinya n orchid trees, small or ornamental trees of the genus bauhinia, bearing flowers resembling orchids. báwì v [A; a2] …

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beldame ENGLISH

An old woman in general; especially, an ugly old woman; a hag.

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bigut n s. o. having ugly, knotted scars at the neck. v [B126] for the neck to be ugly with …

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bolobayhon HILIGAYNON

bolobáyhon - Mediocre, middling, ordinary, indifferent, average, passable, tolerable, pretty, fair, not so bad, so-so, satisfactory, neither large nor small, …

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bugarut CEBUANO

bugarut a giving an impression of weight or ponderousness, hav-ing thick heavy features. Bugarut ug nawung, mu rag alíwas, He …

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