"Tyrannous" is a word in ENGLISH

tyrannous ENGLISH

Tyrannical; arbitrary; unjustly severe; despotic.

Few words of positivity

Some men will never be heroes, some heroes will never be men, he thought, with urgent acknowledgements to Joseph Conrad.

John le Carré, The Russia House

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get from a drunk chicken ? Scotch eggs !

arbitrary ENGLISH

Despotic; absolute in power; bound by no law; harsh and unforbearing; tyrannical; as, an arbitrary prince or government.

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despotical ENGLISH

Having the character of, or pertaining to, a despot; absolute in power; possessing and abusing unlimited power; evincing despotism; tyrannical; …

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domineer ENGLISH

To rule with insolence or arbitrary sway; to play the master; to be overbearing; to tyrannize; to bluster; to swell …

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malúpig - Oppressive, arbitrary, masterful, tyrannical, tyrannic, tyrannous, cruel, severe, dour, despotic, dominating, domineering, harsh. (cf. lúpig, mapigusón).

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tyrannical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a tyrant; suiting a tyrant; unjustly severe in government; absolute; imperious; despotic; cruel; arbitrary; as, a …

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tyrannize ENGLISH

To subject to arbitrary, oppressive, or tyrannical treatment; to oppress.

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tyrannize ENGLISH

To act the tyrant; to exercise arbitrary power; to rule with unjust and oppressive severity; to exercise power others not …

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