"Tylosis" is a word in ENGLISH

tylosis ENGLISH

An intrusion of one vegetable cell into the cavity of
another, sometimes forming there an irregular mass of cells.

Few words of positivity

I realize now, I was learning how to walk as well. I haven’t mastered the steps, I fall too. But im on my path, my path... and one day that path... will take me to her.

Makoto Shinkai, The Garden of Words

Laugh your heart out.

This farmer has 500 hens but no rooster so he goes to his neighbor and asks him if he could buy a rooster for $100. The neighbor says, "You can have this rooster. His name's Roy. He'll get all your hens pregnant. He's a real stud." So the farmer takes him home and says, "It's your first day so take it slow, okay?" The farmer puts Roy in the hen house and then hears all the hens crying and yelling. Roy nailed every one of those hens and then nailed a duck and a goose at a pond. The next morning the farmer finds Roy lying dead with his legs sticking in the air and buzzards circling overhead. The farmer says, "Roy, did you have to die?" Roy says, "Quiet! They're about to land!"

Abatement Of Freehold LAW AND LEGAL

This takes place where a person dies seised of an inheritance, and, before the heir or devisee enters, a stranger, …

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adultery ENGLISH

The intrusion of a person into a bishopric during the life of the bishop.

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Culpabilis LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. In old English law. Guilty. Culpabilis dc intrusione,—guilty of intrusion. Fleta, Jib. 4, c. 30, 8 11. Non ciilpabllis, …

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Deforcement LAW AND LEGAL

Deforcement is where a man wrongfully holds lands to which another person is entitled. It there-fore Includes disseisin, abatement, discon-tinuance, …

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De Intrusione LAW AND LEGAL

A writ of intrusion; where a stranger entered after the death of

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A wall-like mass of mineral matter, usually an intrusion of igneous rocks, filling up rents or fissures in the original …

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Dispossession LAW AND LEGAL

ouster; a wrong that carries with lt the amotion of possession. An act whereby the wrong-doer gets tbe actual occupation …

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encroachment ENGLISH

The act of entering gradually or silently upon the rights or possessions of another; unlawful intrusion.

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An inclosure about a field or other space, or about any object; especially, an inclosing structure of wood, iron, or …

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To frequent; to resort to frequently; to visit pertinaciously or intrusively; to intrude upon.

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intercalation ENGLISH

The insertion or introduction of anything among others, as the insertion of a phrase, line, or verse in a metrical …

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intruded ENGLISH

Same as Intrusive.

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intrusion ENGLISH

The penetrating of one rock, while in a plastic or metal state, into the cavities of another.

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intrusion ENGLISH

The settlement of a minister over 3 congregation without their consent.

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intrusion ENGLISH

The entry of a stranger, after a particular estate or freehold is determined, before the person who holds in remainder …

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intrusion ENGLISH

The act of intruding, or of forcing in; especially, the forcing (one's self) into a place without right or welcome; …

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A species of injury by ouster or amotion of possession from the freehold, being an entry of a stranger, after …

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intrusional ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to intrusion.

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intrusive ENGLISH

Apt to intrude; characterized by intrusion; entering without right or welcome.

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mahilabtanon HILIGAYNON

mahilabtánon - Meddling, interfering, meddlesome, officious, intrusive, apt to intervene or take part in; a busybody. (cf. lábut, hilabút).

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