"Turves" is a word in ENGLISH

turves ENGLISH

pl. of Turf.

turves ENGLISH

of Turf

Few words of positivity

Just as people asked ‘Why do they hate us?’ after 9/11, one evening I asked my father, ‘Why did they do this to us?’ He took a long breath and paused, deeply concerned about what he was about to say. ‘The Muslims bombed us because we are Christians. They want us dead because they hate us’ This hate was not because we had armies in the Middle East or because we supported Israel or for any of the reasons people easily turn to today. It was because we were Christians, infidels. As a child, I was just too young to understand all the political implications, but I understood one thing: people wanted to kill me simply because I was a Christian.

Brigitte Gabriel, Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America

Laugh your heart out.

At what time do most people go to the dentist?At tooth-hurty (2:30).

effusion ENGLISH

The act of pouring out; as, effusion of water, of blood, of grace, of words, and the like.

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executor ENGLISH
estate ENGLISH

A person of high rank.

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= ABEL + -EN. ABOGADO [f. Sp.], n. lawyer. ABOGASIA [f. Sp.], n. law course, law degree. ABOKADO [f. Sp.], …

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kaálam - (H) Wisdom, learning, cleverness, intelligence. (cf. álam, kinaálam, kinaádman).

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smoulder ENGLISH

A sound, of consonantal character, made with a rapid succession of partial or entire intermissions, by the vibration of some …

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That which is driven, forced, or urged along

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horizon ENGLISH

The unbroken line separating sky and water, as seen by an eye at a given elevation, no land being visible.

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counterfort ENGLISH

A kind of buttress of masonry to strengthen a revetment wall.

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A measure of length containing sixteen and a half feet; -- called also perch, and pole.

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symbological ENGLISH

Pertaining to a symbology; versed in, or characterized by, symbology.

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subsalt ENGLISH

A basic salt. See the Note under Salt.

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strike ENGLISH

To break forth; to commence suddenly; -- with into; as, to strike into reputation; to strike into a run.

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tamlà n fingerprint, thumbprint. v [A; b6(1)] a? x the thumbprint. Gawas sa pirma tamláan pa giyud, You have to …

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To cover by winding or folding; to envelop completely; to involve; to infold; -- often with up.

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upúd - (H) Companion, company; to accompany, go along with, be with. Upúd ko siá. He is my companion. Sín-o …

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Suspense; the state of being pendent or undecided; the state of an action, etc., after it hns been begun, and …

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pannose ENGLISH

Similar in texture or appearance to felt or woolen cloth.

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peregrine ENGLISH

The peregrine falcon.

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