"Tuos" is a word in TAGALOG


Active Verb: magtuos
Passive Verb: tuusin
Definition: (verb) to make an accounting of; to settle differences

Few words of positivity

I do not understand why I was held back from Sedona for so many years. My spirit was broken down, and I lost everything, friends, pets, pieces of myself were lying everywhere. I felt like a massive failure from Boston, then a failure because I could not manifest Sedona. It almost seems like I had to give up, and let go of the iron grip I had on Sedona, in order to finally understand it better. Focusing on other dreams and paths, let me lighten up further, until it came unexpectedly at the door and knocked. "Remember Me? I am the dream you buried, and thought you would never get, but it feels right now, and you should just go for it".

Jennifer Underwood, The Road to Sedona-All Paths Lead to You: How One Woman's Past Life Can Shape the Future

Laugh your heart out.

Is it proper to eat a hamburger with your fingers?No, you should eat your fingers separately!

impinguation ENGLISH

The act of making fat, or the state of being fat or fattened.

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bigting CEBUANO

bigting v [A; b] strike an animal in the leg to disable it, usually in preparation for butchering it. Nagsaguyud …

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A small wild ox of Celebes (Anoa depressicornis), allied to the buffalo, but having long nearly straight horns.

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exámen - See eksámen—examination, etc.

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An optical glass; a lens; a spyglass; -- in the plural, spectacles; as, a pair of glasses; he wears glasses.

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mamamahoy HILIGAYNON

mamamáhoy - Bogey, imp, sprite, goblin, elf, hobgoblin, bad fairy, wicked spirit; scarecrow; phantom. (cf. báhoy, pamáhoy).

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paláw - To end, stop, terminate, cease, close, finish, conclude, cause to cease, put a stop to, bring to an …

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taperness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being taper; tapering form; taper.

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scalenohedral ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a scalenohedron.

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lagaraw CEBUANO

lagaraw n k. o. long machete with a blunt end which curves downward, used for rough clearing, picking up coconuts, …

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crossruff ENGLISH

The play in whist where partners trump each a different suit, and lead to each other for that purpose; -- …

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apurá - (Sp. apurar) To hasten, make haste, hurry, be quick, do quickly, push on with. Apurahá ang pagpatíndog sang …

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plút n float in a parade. v {1} [A2] ride on a float. Magplút ang rayna nga iparáda, The beauty …

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compromise ENGLISH

A settlement by arbitration or by mutual consent reached by concession on both sides; a reciprocal abatement of extreme demands …

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speechless ENGLISH

Destitute or deprived of the faculty of speech.

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reprobate ENGLISH

To abandon to punishment without hope of pardon.

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clamor ENGLISH

A great outcry or vociferation; loud and continued shouting or exclamation.

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pattern ENGLISH

To serve as an example for; also, to parallel.

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To abash; to disconcert or be disconcerted or put out of countenance.

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probability ENGLISH

The quality or state of being probable; appearance of reality or truth; reasonable ground of presumption; likelihood.

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