"Tunicated" is a word in ENGLISH

tunicated ENGLISH

Having a tunic, or mantle; of or pertaining to the

tunicated ENGLISH

Having each joint buried in the preceding funnel-shaped
one, as in certain antennae of insects.

tunicated ENGLISH

Covered with a tunic; covered or coated with layers; as,
a tunicated bulb.

Few words of positivity

They say you can’t build Rome in a day, but I’m pretty sure you could destroy it in even less.

Kris Kidd, Down for Whatever

Laugh your heart out.

Paul got off the elevator on the 40th floor and nervously knocked on his blind date's door. She opened it and was as beautiful and charming as everyone had said. "I'll be ready in a few minutes," she said. "Why don't you play with Rollo while you're waiting? He does wonderful tricks. He rolls over, shakes hands, sits up, and if you make a hoop with your arms, he'll jump through." The dog followed Paul onto the balcony and started rolling over. Paul made a hoop with his arms and Rollo jumped through -- and over the balcony railing. Just then Paul's date walked out. "Isn't Rollo the cutest, happiest dog you've ever seen?" "To tell the the truth," he replied, "he seemed a little depressed to me."

cellulose ENGLISH

The substance which constitutes the essential part of the solid framework of plants, of ordinary wood, linen, paper, etc. It …

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doliolum ENGLISH

A genus of freeswimming oceanic tunicates, allied to Salpa, and having alternate generations.

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erythroid ENGLISH

Of a red color; reddish; as, the erythroid tunic (the cremaster muscle).

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laticlave ENGLISH

A broad stripe of purple on the fore part of the tunic, worn by senators in ancient Rome as an …

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orthostade ENGLISH

A chiton, or loose, ungirded tunic, falling in straight folds.

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paulús - (B) To dress, clothe, provide clothes for, give garments to. Ang mga ginikánan nagapaulús sa íla mga bátà. …

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A genus of transparent, tubular, free-swimming oceanic tunicates found abundantly in all the warmer latitudes. See Illustration in Appendix.

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tabard ENGLISH

A sort of tunic or mantle formerly worn for protection from the weather. When worn over the armor it was …

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Any similar garment worm by ancient or Oriental peoples; also, a common name for various styles of loose-fitting under-garments and …

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See Mantle, n., 3 (a).

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A natural covering; an integument; as, the tunic of a seed.

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An under-garment worn by the ancient Romans of both sexes. It was made with or without sleeves, reached to or …

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A membrane, or layer of tissue, especially when enveloping an organ or part, as the eye.

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Same as Tunicle.

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tunicata ENGLISH

A grand division of the animal kingdom, intermediate, in some respects, between the invertebrates and vertebrates, and by some writers …

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tunicate ENGLISH

Alt. of Tunicated

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tunicate ENGLISH

One of the Tunicata.

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tunicin ENGLISH

Animal cellulose; a substance present in the mantle, or tunic, of the Tunicates, which resembles, or is identical with, the …

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urochord ENGLISH

The central axis or cord in the tail of larval ascidians and of certain adult tunicates.

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