"Tukuy" is a word in CEBUANO


túkuy n word used to call dogs.
v [A; a12] {1} call a dog, saying túkuy.
Tukúya ang irù arun pakan-un, Call the dog so it can eat.
{2} draw irresistibly toward s.t.
Ang kadalù mauy mutúkuy sa táwu pagpaníkas, Greed leads a person to cheat.
{3} in folk belief, induce a person to walk in his sleep by tying a string to a finger and pulling it rhythmically.
Kamau siyang mutúkuy ug táwung natúlug, He knows how to make a person walk in his sleep.
() n puppy.

Few words of positivity

I don't know a lot of stuff. - First I know that there is Paradox! - Second it's like a faith! - And Third It can't be changed!(Paradox 2016 - Film)

Deyth Banger

Laugh your heart out.

A history jokeTeacher: When was Rome built?Pupil: At night.Teacher: Why did you say that?Pupil: Because my Dad always says that Rome wasn't built in a day!

campanile ENGLISH

A bell tower, esp. one built separate from a church.

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daylight ENGLISH

The light of day as opposed to the darkness of night; the light of the sun, as opposed to that …

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neb-neb ENGLISH
hit-anran CEBUANO

hit-anran n {1} hit-and-run. {2} hit-and-run tactics in boxing.

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hospitium ENGLISH

An inn of court.

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sílaw n {1} ray, beam of emitted light. Ang sílaw sa adlaw, The suns rays. Ang sílaw sa sugà sa …

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apprehensive ENGLISH

Capable of apprehending, or quick to do so; apt; discerning.

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legitimate ENGLISH

To make legitimate, lawful, or valid; esp., to put in the position or state of a legitimate person before the …

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bravura ENGLISH

A florid, brilliant style of music, written for effect, to show the range and flexibility of a singer's voice, or …

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sparsely ENGLISH

In a scattered or sparse manner.

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Contre-Maitre LAW AND LEGAL

In French marine law. The chief oflicer of a vessel, who, in case of the sickness or absence of the …

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distract ENGLISH

To draw apart or away; to divide; to disjoin.

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strapper ENGLISH

A person or thing of uncommon size.

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rennet ENGLISH

A name of many different kinds of apples. Cf. Reinette.

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protandric ENGLISH

Having male sexual organs while young, and female organs later in life.

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graminivorous ENGLISH

Feeding or subsisting on grass, and the like food; -- said of horses, cattle, and other animals.

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philhellene ENGLISH

A friend of Greece, or of the Greeks; a philhellenist.

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