"Tug-Ut" is a word in CEBUANO

tug-ut CEBUANO

tug-ut v [A; a12] tie hemp fibers end to end to form a long strand for weaving.
Magtug-ut ka ug bayinti ka bituul pára ihulug, Tie up twenty skeins of hemp to use as warp threads.

Few words of positivity

And Milo, full of thoughts and questions, curled up on the pages of tomorrow's music and eagerly awaited the dawn.

Norton Juster

Laugh your heart out.

At the inquest into her husband's death by food poisoning Mrs Wally was asked by the coroner if she could remember her husband's last words. "Yes," she replied. "He said 'I don't know how that shop can make a profit from selling this salmon at only 20 cents a tin..."


gáway - The tentacles of the octopus and of similar animals. gáway, Anything that hangs down or dangles freely, as …

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