"Tsikin" is a word in CEBUANO

tsikin CEBUANO

tsíkin a good looking (slang).
Tsíkin pa níya ang íyang manghud, Her younger sister is more beautiful than she.

tsikin CEBUANO

tsíkin pid a {1} for a large amount to be negligible in cost to a person with lots of money.
{2} for s.t.
hard to be easy for a person with great capability.
Kanang bár tsikin pid ra nà nímu, The bar exam is too easy for you.
v [b6] consider a large amount negligible or consider s.t.
cult quite easy.

tsikin CEBUANO

tsíkin n k.
dance characterized by a scratching-like motion of the feet.
v [A] dance the tsíkin.

tsikin CEBUANO

tsíkin a for a male to be chicken.
Tsíkin kaáyu ka.
Ngánung dì man nímu kumplimintuhan siya?
You sure are chicken.
Why dont you compliment her?
v [B2; b6] be, become chicken.

tsikin CEBUANO

tsíkin sálad (not without l) n chicken salad.
v [A; a] make, have chicken salad.

Few words of positivity

You will never turn from a sin you don’t hate.

Jen Wilkin

Laugh your heart out.

A Japanese guy is at Los Angeles International Airport, waiting for his flight back home to Japan. While he's waiting, he goes to the currency exchange counter to change his remaining dollars.He counts his money at the counter. "Wait a minute," he says to the clerk, "When I came here I got more dollars for my yen. What's going on here?""Fluctuations." says the clerk.The Japanese man stiffens. "Well! Fluck you Americans, too!"


lalim a {1} pleasurable. Lalim pamináwun ang Rúsas Pandan, The song Rosas Pandan is very pleasant to listen to. {2} …

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prayid CEBUANO

prayid tsíkin n fried chicken. v [A; a] make, have fried chicken.

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sálad tsíkin n chicken salad. saladsálad v [A; c1] hide poor quality products underneath or between things of good qual-ity. …

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