"Trypsin" is a word in ENGLISH

trypsin ENGLISH

A proteolytic ferment, or enzyme, present in the
pancreatic juice. Unlike the pepsin of the gastric juice, it acts in a
neutral or alkaline fluid, and not only converts the albuminous matter
of the food into soluble peptones, but also, in part, into leucin and

Few words of positivity

A winded, defeated-looking fat woman in filthy coveralls trudged beside us, hearing what Miss Pefko said. She turned to examine Dr. Breed, looking at him with helpless reproach. She hated people who thought too much. At that moment, she struck me as an appropriate representative for almost all mankind.

Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Cat's Cradle

Laugh your heart out.

What is the American national day for vampires?Fangsgiving Day.

acacia ENGLISH

The inspissated juice of several species of acacia; -- called also gum acacia, and gum arabic.

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acidity ENGLISH

The quality of being sour; sourness; tartness; sharpness to the taste; as, the acidity of lemon juice.

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acrimony ENGLISH

A quality of bodies which corrodes or destroys others; also, a harsh or biting sharpness; as, the acrimony of the …

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action ENGLISH

Any one of the active processes going on in an organism; the performance of a function; as, the action of …

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A genus of plants (order Amaryllidaceae) of which the chief species is the maguey or century plant (A. Americana), wrongly …

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alangaang CEBUANO

alangáang n for weather to be oppressively hot and moist with no wind. Alangáang kaáyu; tingáli muulan, It is very …

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albuminose ENGLISH

A diffusible substance formed from albumin by the action of natural or artificial gastric juice. See Peptone.

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alcohol ENGLISH

Pure spirit of wine; pure or highly rectified spirit (called also ethyl alcohol); the spirituous or intoxicating element of fermented …

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alibotbot HILIGAYNON

alibótbot - A shrub, whose leaves are a remedy for headache and whose juice is made use of as a …

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The inspissated juice of several species of aloe, used as a purgative.

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anónang - A tree whose fruit yields a sticky, viscous juice from which mucilage is prepared.

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antipeptone ENGLISH

A product of gastric and pancreatic digestion, differing from hemipeptone in not being decomposed by the continued action of pancreatic …

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apúya n pulpy, fibrous material left after extracting the juice of s.t. Apúya sa amirul nga balanghuy, The pulpy material …

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Crude tartar; an acidulous salt from which cream of tartar is prepared. It exists in the juice of grapes, and …

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arníbal - (Sp. almibar) Thin, freely-flowing molasses in the initial stage of the process of sugar-milling. 1.) inutús—the watery juice …

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asafoetida ENGLISH

The fetid gum resin or inspissated juice of a large umbelliferous plant (Ferula asafoetida) of Persia and the East Indies. …

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así-ási - To be aware of, know, understand, comprehend. Walâ ka gánì kaasí-ási sang kabangdánan; ngáa man nga mangákig ka …

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asúkar - (Sp. azucar) Sugar; to make sugar including all the operations in the final stage of the process of …

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asukar CEBUANO

asúkar n refined sugar. v {1} [A13B23] make into, become sugar. Ang sintral nag-asúkar sa tubu, The mill is making …

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bagáso - (Sp. bagazo) Fruit-peel pressed dry, especially sugar-cane crushed and deprived of its juice, bagasse. (cf. siápò).

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