"Truckman" is a word in ENGLISH

truckman ENGLISH

One who does business in the way of barter or exchange.

truckman ENGLISH

One who drives a truck, or whose business is the
conveyance of goods on trucks.

Few words of positivity

You have had many successes, and you have earned the right to be respected.

Lorii Myers, Targeting Success, Develop the Right Business Attitude to be Successful in the Workplace

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the blind porcupine? He fell in love with a pincushion!


Lat (Pl., abigei, or more rarely abigeatores.) In the civil law. ' A stealer of cattle; one who drove or …

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abli v [AB; b5] {1} open s.t. , be open. Ikaw bay nag-abli sa pultahan? Were you the one who …

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account ENGLISH

A registry of pecuniary transactions; a written or printed statement of business dealings or debts and credits, and also of …

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In Roman law. one who act-ed for another; one who attended to an-otber's business; a manager or agent. A slnve …

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adjourn ENGLISH

To suspend business for a time, as from one day to another, or for a longer period, or indefinitely; usually, …

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agency ENGLISH

The office of an agent, or factor; the relation between a principal and his agent; business of one intrusted with …

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A relation, created either by express or implied contract or by law, where-by one party (called the prlncipal or con-stltuent) …

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One who acts for, or in the place of, another, by authority from him; one intrusted with the business of …

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aksiyun CEBUANO

aksiyun n {1} action, movement. {2} interest or part owned in a business. May aksiyun siya sa Maníla Iliktrik, He …

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alok-alok HILIGAYNON

alók-alók - Desultory, rambling, passing from one thing or work to another and not completing any; to work by fits …

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annunciator ENGLISH

One who announces. Specifically: An officer in the church of Constantinople, whose business it was to inform the people of …

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apposer ENGLISH

An examiner; one whose business is to put questions. Formerly, in the English Court of Exchequer, an officer who audited …

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Apprenticeship LAW AND LEGAL

A contract by which one person, usually a minor, called the “apprentice,” is bound to another person, called the “master,” …

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ápug no win in a kind of lottery where a black piece of paper, indicating no win, may be drawn. …

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one whose business lt is to make assays of the precious metals. ■

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associate ENGLISH

To join with one, as a friend, companion, partner, or confederate; as, to associate others with us in business, or …

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atindidu CEBUANO

atindídu a {1} attentive, courteous. Atindídu siya sa íyang pamisti, He dresses carefully. Atindídu siya sa mga bisíta, She attends …

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atribir CEBUANO

atribir v [A3] do s.t. one has no business doing. Kinsay nag-atribir ug arangka niíni? Who went and took this …

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attorney ENGLISH

One who is legally appointed by another to transact any business for him; an attorney in fact.

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-ay a? x forming verbs which refer {1} to reciprocal actions. Naglalisay sila, They argued back and forth. Nagtutukay sila, …

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