"Triumph" is a word in ENGLISH

triumph ENGLISH

A trump card; also, an old game at cards.

triumph ENGLISH

Hence, any triumphal procession; a pompous exhibition; a
stately show or pageant.

triumph ENGLISH

To obtain a victory over; to prevail over; to conquer.
Also, to cause to triumph.

triumph ENGLISH

A state of joy or exultation for success.

triumph ENGLISH

A magnificent and imposing ceremonial performed in honor
of a general who had gained a decisive victory over a foreign enemy.

triumph ENGLISH

To obtain victory; to be successful; to prevail.

triumph ENGLISH

Success causing exultation; victory; conquest; as, the
triumph of knowledge.

triumph ENGLISH

To celebrate victory with pomp; to rejoice over success;
to exult in an advantage gained; to exhibit exultation.

triumph ENGLISH

To be prosperous; to flourish.

triumph ENGLISH

To play a trump card.

Few words of positivity

Shout the truth, if you want to degoogle the google.” Says Bhutta

M.K. Bhutta

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the argumentative skunk?He always liked to make a stink!


Lat. An additional name or title; a nickname. A name or title which a man gets by some action or …

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anihag CEBUANO

aníhag (from síhag) v {1} [A; c1] peer or look through s.t. trans-parent. Dihay mianihag (nag-anihag) sa bildung takup, S. …

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balligi ILOKANO

n. victory, triumph. v. /AG-/ to win, be victorious or triumphant. Isu ti nagballigi idiay lumba. He was the one …

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The laurel tree (Laurus nobilis). Hence, in the plural, an honorary garland or crown bestowed as a prize for victory …

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better ENGLISH

Advantage, superiority, or victory; -- usually with of; as, to get the better of an enemy.

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bikturi CEBUANO

bikturi n the money used after the war, so called because of the legend victory on the bill.

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bikturyusu CEBUANO

bikturyúsu a victorious.

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binday CEBUANO

binday n childs talk for female genitalia. bindisiyun n {1} blessing, benediction. Bindisiyun sa párì, The priests benediction. Bindisiyun sa …

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bloodless ENGLISH

Not attended with shedding of blood, or slaughter; as, a bloodless victory.

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bunannag ILOKANO

v. /MANGI-: I-/ to proclaim, publish, extol. Ibunannag mo ti panangabak na. Proclaim his victory.

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conquer ENGLISH

To gain the victory; to overcome; to prevail.

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conquest ENGLISH

The act or process of conquering, or acquiring by force; the act of overcoming or subduing opposition by force, whether …

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contest ENGLISH

Earnest struggle for superiority, victory, defense, etc.; competition; emulation; strife in arms; conflict; combat; encounter.

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A wreath or garland, or any ornamental fillet encircling the head, especially as a reward of victory or mark of …

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dalág-an - A winning chance, advantage, superiority; anything that assures the victory or guarantees the desired outcome. (daúg).

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daúg - To overcome, win, be victorious, be superior, master, defeat, lick, conquer, vanquish, put down, overthrow, outdo, rout, gain …

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daug v {1} [A2; a12] outdo, overcome s. o. Dì giyud ka makadaug níya, You can never beat him. Gidaug …

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dayag a clearly visible, obvious. Dayag dinhi ang Buhul, Bohol is visible from here. Dayag ang íyang gugma nímu, His …

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decide ENGLISH

To bring to a termination, as a question, controversy, struggle, by giving the victory to one side or party; to …

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declare ENGLISH

To make a declaration, or an open and explicit avowal; to proclaim one's self; -- often with for or against; …

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