"Trisahyo" is a word in HILIGAYNON


trisáhyo - (Sp. trisagio) Trisagion Tersanctus, a short hymn or respond in
praise of the Three Persons of the Blessed

Few words of positivity

Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy.

Lao Tzu

Laugh your heart out.

How did Gertie Gorilla make the 'Playboy' Calendar?She was 'Miss Ape-ril!'


giit Definition: see giit1 see giit2

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hinapus-tapus HILIGAYNON

hinapús-tapús - Towards the end, near completion, nearly finished, almost complete; extreme, consummate; to be nearly finished, etc. (cf. tápus, …

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resolve ENGLISH

To be settled in opinion; to be convinced.

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descent ENGLISH

The act of descending, or passing downward; change of place from higher to lower.

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pirsunahi CEBUANO

pirsunáhi n {1} participant in a movie or play. {2} important persons. Mga pirsunáhi sa nátad sa kasinihan, Important per-sonages …

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v. /MANGI-: I-/ to put into practice, to try to the utmost. Impakat ko amin nga kabaelak. I tried my …

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untimeliness ENGLISH


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To stop with a pawl; to drop the pawls off.

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amatorially ENGLISH

In an amatorial manner.

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bulunangon HILIGAYNON

bulunángon - That is to be—spun,—made into thread or yarn; fibre, yarn, thread. Búlak nga bulunángon. Cotton for spinning. (cf. …

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Piratigally LAW AND LEGAL

A technical word which must always be used in an indictment for piracy. 3 InsL 112

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indigenous ENGLISH

Native; produced, growing, or living, naturally in a country or climate; not exotic; not imported.

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patent ENGLISH

A document making a grant and conveyance of public lands.

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sákal - A bracket or wedge driven into a post or wall for the purpose of supporting floorbeams, etc.; to …

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nickeline ENGLISH

An alloy of nickel, a variety of German silver.

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titration ENGLISH

The act or process of titrating; a substance obtained by titrating.

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eurasian ENGLISH

Of European and Asiatic descent; of or pertaining to both Europe and Asia; as, the great Eurasian plain.

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