"Tripoli" is a word in ENGLISH

tripoli ENGLISH

An earthy substance originally brought from Tripoli, used
in polishing stones and metals. It consists almost wholly of the
siliceous shells of diatoms.

Few words of positivity

Meditation is not an act that has to be done separately or to be achieved in isolation of the forests. It is a quality, which continuously gets enhanced with the habit of doing even the smallest of the tasks with full concentration.

Deep Trivedi, The Pulse of Wisdom

Laugh your heart out.

Where would you take a ghost for lunch? Pizza Haunt!

amalgamator ENGLISH

One who, or that which, amalgamates. Specifically: A machine for separating precious metals from earthy particles by bringing them in …

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The earthy or mineral particles of combustible substances remaining after combustion, as of wood or coal.

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bergmeal ENGLISH

An earthy substance, resembling fine flour. It is composed of the shells of infusoria, and in Lapland and Sweden is …

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bismuthyl ENGLISH

Hydrous carbonate of bismuth, an earthy mineral of a dull white or yellowish color.

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blackband ENGLISH

An earthy carbonate of iron containing considerable carbonaceous matter; -- valuable as an iron ore.

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Any one of several varieties of friable earthy clay, usually colored more or less strongly red by oxide of iron, …

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calcigerous ENGLISH

Holding lime or other earthy salts; as, the calcigerous cells of the teeth.

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causally ENGLISH

The lighter, earthy parts of ore, carried off washing.

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A soft, earthy substance, of a white, grayish, or yellowish white color, consisting of calcium carbonate, and having the same …

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chthonic ENGLISH

Pertaining to the earth; earthy; as, chthonic religions.

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cimolite ENGLISH

A soft, earthy, clayey mineral, of whitish or grayish color.

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That which is earthy and of little relative value, as the body of man in comparison with the soul.

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cologne earth ENGLISH

An earth of a deep brown color, containing more vegetable than mineral matter; an earthy variety of lignite, or brown …

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The earthy remains of bodies once alive; the remains of the human body.

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dysodile ENGLISH

An impure earthy or coaly bitumen, which emits a highly fetid odor when burning.

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Any earthy-looking metallic oxide, as alumina, glucina, zirconia, yttria, and thoria.

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earthiness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being earthy, or of containing earth; hence, grossness.

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earthly ENGLISH

Made of earth; earthy.

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earthy ENGLISH

Gross; low; unrefined.

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earthy ENGLISH

Consisting of, or resembling, earth; terrene; earthlike; as, earthy matter.

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