"Trigeminous" is a word in ENGLISH

trigeminous ENGLISH

Born three together; being one of three born at the
same birth; also, threefold.

Few words of positivity

Why crawl like a caterpillar when you have the wings to be a butterfly?

Faraaz Kazi, More Than Just Friends

Laugh your heart out.

As the bus came to the stop, the man at the front of the queue took out his eye, threw it up in the air and caught it before getting on the bus. An amazed conductor said, 'What on earth did you do that for?' 'I wanted to know if there was room on top,' replied the man.


anak Active Verb: manganak Passive Verb: ipanganak Definition: 1) child, son/daughter, offspring (noun) 2) to be born (verb) 3) to …

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bayinti CEBUANO

bayinti number twenty. v see tris for conjugation. bayintihun n {1} twenty-centavo coin, twenty-peso bill. dya- n twenty-peso bill. únu, …

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gayud short forms: dyud, giyud {1} with adjectives: without doubt. Sukù giyud siya nímu, Shes sure to be mad at …

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háwhaw - Formed complete, properly developed, not premature. Sa limá kamí nga magulútud tátlo ang háwhaw duhá ang hár-as. Of …

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matay v {1} [B126; b3(1)4(1)c5] die. Namatay si Simyun sa tísis, Simeon died of tuberculosis. Sakit nga makamatay, A dis-ease …

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triplet ENGLISH

Three children or offspring born at one birth.

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