"Trichina" is a word in ENGLISH

trichina ENGLISH

A small, slender nematoid worm (Trichina spiralis) which,
in the larval state, is parasitic, often in immense numbers, in the
voluntary muscles of man, the hog, and many other animals. When
insufficiently cooked meat containing the larvae is swallowed by man,
they are liberated and rapidly become adult, pair, and the
ovoviviparous females produce in a short time large numbers of young
which find their way into the muscles, either directly, or indirectly
by means of the blood. Their presence in the muscles and the intestines
in large numbers produces trichinosis.

Few words of positivity

Eternal snows are at the top. Eyes of beautiful are at the top. (Neiges éternelles sont au sommet. - Yeux de la belle sont au sommet.)

Charles de Leusse

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why did the blonde have a hysterectomy?A: She wanted to stop having grandchildren.

myohaematin ENGLISH

A red-colored respiratory pigment found associated with hemoglobin in the muscle tissue of a large number of animals, both vertebrate …

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