"Trapik" is a word in CEBUANO

trapik CEBUANO

trápik n {1} tra?
{2} street intersection with a tra?
c light in it.
{3} policeman directing tra?
{4} way lacking manners.
Wà kay trápik.
Mulatas ka man sa taliwálà sa mga táwung nagsultihánay, You have no manners.
You pass between people talking.
a heavy tra?
Trápik kaáyu ug alas dúsi, The tra?
c is heavy at twelve oclock.
v {1} [A; b(1)] direct tra?
{2} [B156] be a tra?
c policeman.
{3} [B6] for tra?
c to be heavy, congested.
Magtrápik ang karsáda ug dúnay parid, Tra?
c is congested if theres a parade.
{4} [a12] be caught in a tra?
c jam.
Natrápik ku sa Kulun, I was caught in a tra?
c jam on Colon Street.

Few words of positivity

Trust but check. Check on those we trust.

Tom Rob Smith, Child 44

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the Texan who moved to Oklahoma and raised the IQ level of both states?


bara v [AB] clog s.t. up, be clogged up. May nuug nga mibara sa túbu sa hugasan, A piece of …

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dirikta CEBUANO

dirikta a {1} frank, speaking to the point. {2} be directly from, go directly to. Radiyu nga ismágul dirikta gíkan …

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gú n green tra? c light. signal n green light in tra? c, sign per-mitting s. o. to proceed doing …

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himugsu CEBUANO

himugsù (from bugsù) v [c] deliver, give birth to. Nahimug-suan si Bíki ug usa ka bátang laláki, A baby boy …

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istáp n tra? c sign ordering a stop. v [B236] for a tra? c signal to be red. Manghúnung ang …

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kina-an CEBUANO

kina-an() a? x added to adjectives or nouns referring to a po-sition to form nouns which mean the most [adj. …

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kuntra CEBUANO

kuntra a {1} s.t. contrary to ones liking. Kuntra ku giyud nang táwung palahúbug, I very much dislike people who …

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kuridur CEBUANO

kuridur n dealer of livestock, but not poultry. Gisaáran nga palitun sa kuridur ang ákung báka, The animal dealer promised …

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lugak v {1} [AB; ab7] for s.t. which grips or is tied round s.t. to loosen. Wà siya mulugak ug …

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lugar n {1} geographical place. Nakaadtu na ku sa lainláing lugar sa kalibútan, I have been to various places in …

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nipis a {1} thin, not thick. Nipis kaáyu ang mga pánid sa Biblíya, The Bibles pages are very thin. {2} …

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pulug n {1} dye. {2} color. Musíga na ang pulug nga pula sa sugà sa trapiku, The tra? c light …

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tan-aw CEBUANO

tan-aw v [A; ab2] {1} see, look at. Mutan-aw kug sini karung gabíi, Ill go see a movie tonight. Ispisyalista …

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