"Transmuted" is a word in ENGLISH

transmuted ENGLISH

of Transmute

Few words of positivity

Must you always speak with so many pop culture references?""I must, yes, but no one's making pop culture anymore, so I'm starting to feel dated. I haven't seen a new movie in two years. And you know what else I just realized?"The doctor stared a

Peter Clines, Ex-Patriots

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get if you cross an insect and a dance ?A cricket ball !

alchemize ENGLISH

To change by alchemy; to transmute.

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alchemy ENGLISH

An imaginary art which aimed to transmute the baser metals into gold, to find the panacea, or universal remedy for …

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alchemy ENGLISH

Miraculous power of transmuting something common into something precious.

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bálhin - Change, alteration, transformation, transfiguration, transmutation; to change, alter, become different from what one was before, transform, transfigure, transmute, …

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balúndò - Change, transmutation, transformation, metamorphosis; to transform—, change—, turn—, fish into meat, cats into birds, wood into stone, etc. …

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calorescence ENGLISH

The conversion of obscure radiant heat into light; the transmutation of rays of heat into others of higher refrangibility.

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conversion ENGLISH

The act of turning or changing from one state or condition to another, or the state of being changed; transmutation; …

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convert ENGLISH

To change or turn from one state or condition to another; to alter in form, substance, or quality; to transform; …

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convertible ENGLISH

Capable of being converted; susceptible of change; transmutable; transformable.

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elixir ENGLISH

An imaginary liquor capable of transmuting metals into gold; also, one for producing life indefinitely; as, elixir vitae, or the …

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The gift of any corpo-real hereditament to another, (2 Bl. Comm. 310), operating by transmutation of possession, and requiring, as …

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inconvertible ENGLISH

Not convertible; not capable of being transmuted, changed into, or exchanged for, something else; as, one metal is inconvertible into …

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Not capable of being transmuted or changed into another substance.

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metamorphose ENGLISH

To change into a different form; to transform; to transmute.

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transform ENGLISH

To change into another substance; to transmute; as, the alchemists sought to transform lead into gold.

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The imagined possible or actual change of one metal into another; transmutation.

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transmew ENGLISH

To transmute; to transform; to metamorphose.

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The quality of being transmutable.

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transmutable ENGLISH

Capable of being transmuted or changed into a different substance, or into into something of a different form a nature; …

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transmutation ENGLISH

The change of one species into another, which is assumed to take place in any development theory of life; transformism.

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