"Trangkaso" is a word in TAGALOG

trangkaso TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) grippe; influenza
Notes: Spanish

Few words of positivity

Getting caught up in someone else's dream is like a drug. Sometimes you have to go cold turkey.

Susan McIntire

Laugh your heart out.

Have you seen the current remake of the movie "Cape Fear"? It's about a deranged psychotic who is seeking revenge against a lawyer. The question is, while watching the movie, whom do you root for?

wraprascal ENGLISH

A kind of coarse upper coat, or overcoat, formerly worn.

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English: sleeping mat Tagalog: banig

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aníto - Superstitious practices, ceremonies and sacrifices; to make use of or perform superstitious rites. Indì ka magpáti sináng mga …

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The blade of a sword.

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preachify ENGLISH

To discourse in the manner of a preacher.

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amur n liking. Wà giyud kuy amur sa dayuk, I cannot bring myself to like salted fish innards. Gitugkan siyag …

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regency ENGLISH

Especially, the office, jurisdiction, or dominion of a regent or vicarious ruler, or of a body of regents; deputed or …

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áblang - (B) Width, breadth, to widen, broaden, to make wide or wider. Sádto ánay makitíd ang dálan, karón nagáblang …

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To allure to kindness; to bring to compliance; to gain or obtain, as by solicitation or courtship.

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polygyn ENGLISH

A plant of the order Polygynia.

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urochrome ENGLISH

A yellow urinary pigment, considered by Thudichum as the only pigment present in normal urine. It is regarded by Maly …

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ordain ENGLISH

To set apart for an office; to appoint.

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pseudosphere ENGLISH

The surface of constant negative curvature generated by the revolution of a tractrix. This surface corresponds in non-Euclidian space to …

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asterolepis ENGLISH

A genus of fishes, some of which were eighteen or twenty feet long, found in a fossil state in the …

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tithonometer ENGLISH

An instrument or apparatus for measuring or detecting tithonicity; an actinometer.

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kuweba TAGALOG

kuweba Definition: (noun) cave

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gahús - (B) To undertake, deal with, be able to, have capacity for, be capable or competent, tackle, master, accomplish, …

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