"Trackscout" is a word in ENGLISH

trackscout ENGLISH

See Trackschuyt.

Few words of positivity

A real man—real in all the ways that we recognize as real—finds himself suddenly abstracted from the world and deposited in a physical situation which could not possibly exist: sounds have aroma, smells have color and depth, sights have texture, touches have pitch and timbre. There he is informed by a disembodied voice that he has been brought to that place as a champion for his world. He must fight to the death in single combat against a champion from another world. If he is defeated, he will die, and his world—the real world—will be destroyed because it lacks the inner strength to survive.The man refuses to believe that what he is told is true. He asserts that he is either dreaming or hallucinating, and declines to be put in the false position of fighting to the death where no "real" danger exists. He is implacable in his determination to disbelieve his apparent situation, and does not defend himself when he is attacked by the champion of the other

Stephen R. Donaldson, Lord Foul's Bane

Laugh your heart out.

The young accounting graduate, fresh out of uni and knowing everything, applied for his first job. The prospective employer asked him what starting salary he was looking for."Oh, around $100,000 a year, depending on the benefits package.""Well, how does this sound? Five weeks annual leave, 22.5% superannuation, paid expenses to overseas conferences every year, home telephone reimbursed and a company car replaced every 20,000 kilometres, say a Mercedes convertible."The graduate sat up straight and tried not to look excited. "Wow. Are you kidding?""Yeah. But you started it."

adjunct ENGLISH

Something joined or added to another thing, but not essentially a part of it.

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limud v [A; c] deny, conceal s.t. upon being confronted. Mulimud ka pa giyud nga kláru man ang pruyba! You …

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arabesqued ENGLISH

Ornamented in the style of arabesques.

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hiwa WARAY

mumù a having as much of s.t. as one could want. Mumù sa pagpanggà ang bugtung, An only child has …

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To remove from one place or habitation to another.

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rubber ENGLISH

An overshoe made of India rubber.

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andingay ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to keep company, to entertain. Saan ka pay nga agawid ta andingayen na kam pay ditoy. Don’t go …

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ponent ENGLISH

Western; occidental.

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salsag CEBUANO

salsag v {1} [A; a12] break into several pieces, usually in slivers or fragments. Ikay nagsalsag sa sag-ub, You broke …

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characterless ENGLISH

Destitute of any distinguishing quality; without character or force.

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tapeworm ENGLISH

Any one of numerous species of cestode worms belonging to Taenia and many allied genera. The body is long, flat, …

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Disparagatio LAW AND LEGAL

In old English law. Disparagement. tiaredes maritentur absque disparagatione, heirs shall be married with-oat disparagement. Magna Charta, (9 Hen. III.) …

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kápot - The marriage ceremony; the bride and bridegroom giving their mutual consent and pledging conjugal fidelity and immediately after …

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trivium ENGLISH

The three anterior ambulacra of echinoderms, collectively.

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ivory-bill ENGLISH

A large, handsome, North American woodpecker (Campephilus principalis), having a large, sharp, ivory-colored beak. Its general color is glossy black, …

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hexapodous ENGLISH

Having six feet; belonging to the Hexapoda.

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