"Tithingman" is a word in ENGLISH

tithingman ENGLISH

The chief man of a tithing; a headborough; one elected
to preside over the tithing.

tithingman ENGLISH

A peace officer; an under constable.

tithingman ENGLISH

A parish officer elected annually to preserve good
order in the church during divine service, to make complaint of any
disorderly conduct, and to enforce the observance of the Sabbath.

Few words of positivity

Weep no more lady weep no more Thy sorrow is in vain For violets plucked the sweetest showers Will ne'er make grow again.

Thomas Percy

Laugh your heart out.

I'm a bee - can you be my honey?


A small haven, wharf, or land-ing place

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foundress ENGLISH

A female founder; a woman who founds or establishes, or who endows with a fund.

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punga-punga HILIGAYNON

pungâ-pungâ - (H) Breathless, scarcely able to breathe, panting, gasping. Dim. of pungâ.

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clerisy ENGLISH

The clergy, or their opinions, as opposed to the laity.

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makalalanag HILIGAYNON

makalalánag - (H) Causing or giving moisture, wet, damp, moist, humid. (cf. lánag).

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caranx ENGLISH

A genus of fishes, common on the Atlantic coast, including the yellow or golden mackerel.

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aurantiaceous ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or resembling, the Aurantiaceae, an order of plants (formerly considered natural), of which the orange is the type.

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chiefly ENGLISH

For the most part; mostly.

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Old; ancient; as, the olden time.

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uluyonán - That is to——, should—, be liked, etc.; likeable, pleasing, pleasant, agreeable. (cf. úyon).

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dissolve ENGLISH

To relax by pleasure; to make powerless.

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In the civil law. A man who was twice married; one who at differ-ent times and successively has married two …

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graveclothes ENGLISH

The clothes or dress in which the dead are interred.

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swan-upping ENGLISH

A yearly expedition on the Thames to take up young swans and mark them, as by Companies of Dyers and …

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seigniorage ENGLISH

Something claimed or taken by virtue of sovereign prerogative; specifically, a charge or toll deducted from bullion brought to a …

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In Old English, the article the, when the following word began with a vowel, was often written with elision as …

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laum, la-um HILIGAYNON

láum, lá-um - Hope, expectation, trust, confidence; to hope, expect, trust, confide in, be confident. Magláum ka gid nga——. Have …

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guardable ENGLISH

Capable of being guarded or protected.

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clinically ENGLISH

In a clinical manner.

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