"Tingkarol" is a word in HILIGAYNON

tingkarol HILIGAYNON

tingkárol - To rattle, clatter. See
ringkádol, tingkádol.

Few words of positivity

Not everyone can understand your language like using "BTW", "BRB", "SAA" and many other such type of short words.

Deyth Banger

Laugh your heart out.

Men are like curling irons. They're always hot, and they're always in your hair.

taoism ENGLISH

One of the popular religions of China, sanctioned by the state.

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prease ENGLISH

A press; a crowd.

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Tinatanglay - tired

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underline ENGLISH

To mark a line below, as words; to underscore.

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thunderbolt ENGLISH

A shaft of lightning; a brilliant stream of electricity passing from one part of the heavens to another, or from …

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nutshell ENGLISH

The shell or hard external covering in which the kernel of a nut is inclosed.

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marmoset ENGLISH

Any one of numerous species of small South American monkeys of the genera Hapale and Midas, family Hapalidae. They have …

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padding ENGLISH

The act or process of making a pad or of inserting stuffing.

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betray ENGLISH

To violate the confidence of, by disclosing a secret, or that which one is bound in honor not to make …

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púngki - A bamboo sling hung on a pole and carried by two men when transporting sand, gravel, stones, coconuts, …

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talibong WARAY

Talibong - to turn around

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A process for testing the accuracy of an operation performed. Cf. Prove, v. t., 5.

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warren ENGLISH

A place privileged, by prescription or grant the king, for keeping certain animals (as hares, conies, partridges, pheasants, etc.) called …

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chatoyment ENGLISH

Changeableness of color, as in a mineral; play of colors.

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resistance ENGLISH

A means or method of resisting; that which resists.

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Destruction; death.

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prosisyon HILIGAYNON

prosisyón - (Sp. procesión) Procession. Ang prosisyón magalíbut sa mga dálan nga ginaprosisyonán silíng sang kinabatásan. The procession will pass …

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gelatinate ENGLISH

To be converted into gelatin, or into a substance like jelly.

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houseling ENGLISH

Same as Housling.

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lappish ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the Lapps; Laplandish.

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