"Timawa" is a word in TAGALOG, HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


timáwà - Originally a freeman, a
privileged citizen who was not subject to
taxation, but was liable to help his chief
(dátò) in case of national defense, etc. A
"timáwa” was usually in charge of a
"barangáy”. At present "timáwà” very
often means: the ordinary, respectable,
common citizen, the common run of
people, the (unimportant) members of a
community; to free, set free, liberate. (cf.
kasimánwa, banwahánon, luás; dátò—
chief, chieftain, headman; ulípon—slave;
tumarámpok—serf (farmer) that in former
times held a middle position between the
timáwà and the ulípon).

timawa TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) freeman; emancipated slave

timawa CEBUANO

timáwà n {1} poor, destitute.
Timáwà pa sa ilagà, Poorer than a church mouse.
{2} unfortunate and humble person.
Dungga intáwun ning timáwang hinikáwan sa gugma, Hear the pleas of an unfortunate being deprived of love.
v [B126] become desti-tute.

Few words of positivity

There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.

Karl Marx, Capital, Vol 1: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the women cross the road? Well thats not the point what is she doing out of the kitchen?!!!


ilagà n {1} rat, mouse. {2} by extension, hamsters. Timáwà pa sa ilagà, Poor as a church mouse. sa Urúpa …

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katimawaan HILIGAYNON

katimawáan - Freedom, liberty, independence; the common people, ordinary folks. (cf. timáwà).

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ling-un CEBUANO

ling-un n {1} a small area. Ling-ung gitamnag mais, A parcel planted to corn. {2} mass of people in a …

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patimawaa kami HILIGAYNON

Patimawáa kamí - Ginóo. Deliver us, Oh Lord. Ginpatimáwà níya silá kag hinatágan sang íla kalúasan. He saved them and …

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tumarampok HILIGAYNON

tumarámpok - A serf, vassal, who in the olden times occupied a position between the timáwà and the ulípon. The …

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