"Tilibisyun" is a word in CEBUANO

tilibisyun CEBUANO

tilibisyun n television.

Few words of positivity

A good approach is to allow one dream per novel. Then, in the final revision, go back and get rid of that, too.

Howard Mittelmark, How Not to Write a Novel: 200 Classic Mistakes and How to Avoid Them—A Misstep-by-Misstep Guide

Laugh your heart out.

What powerful reptile is found in the Sydney opera house ? The Lizard of Oz !

mundification ENGLISH

The act or operation of cleansing.

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erosion ENGLISH

The state of being eaten away; corrosion; canker.

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An indeterminable thing or quantity.

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ungkay ILOKANO

n. stem or stalk of flowers, fruits, etc.; handle.

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dakot1 Active Verb: dumakot Passive Verb: dakutin Definition: (verb) to grasp a handful 2 Definition: Notes: Examples: 1) Dumakot ka …

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interchange ENGLISH

The mutual exchange of commodities between two persons or countries; barter; commerce.

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lewdster ENGLISH
klitsi CEBUANO

klitsi n cut for pictures or designs to be printed. v [A; a] make a cut for printing. Klitsíhun ning …

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company ENGLISH

A subdivision of a regiment of troops under the command of a captain, numbering in the United States (full strength) …

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holokmanan HILIGAYNON

holokmánan - Seat or court of justice. (cf. hokmánan, hokóm).

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L. Lat. A trial. Examen oomputi, the balance of an account Townsh. PL 223

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mína n {1} mine, mineral deposit. {2} explosive mine. v [A; a2] mine a mineral deposit. minahan n mine. Túa …

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woaded ENGLISH

Colored or stained with woad.

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scrutation ENGLISH

Search; scrutiny.

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The handle of a sword or of an oar.

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remissory ENGLISH

Serving or tending to remit, or to secure remission; remissive.

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glaucophane ENGLISH

A mineral of a dark bluish color, related to amphibole. It is characteristic of certain crystalline rocks.

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To ask questions; to make inquiry.

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meagerly ENGLISH

Alt. of Meagrely

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