"Thyrsus" is a word in ENGLISH

thyrsus ENGLISH

A species of inflorescence; a dense panicle, as in the
lilac and horse-chestnut.

thyrsus ENGLISH

A staff entwined with ivy, and surmounted by a pine cone,
or by a bunch of vine or ivy leaves with grapes or berries. It is an
attribute of Bacchus, and of the satyrs and others engaging in Bacchic

Few words of positivity

Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.

Ernestine Ulmer

Laugh your heart out.

Why are there so many piggy banks? Pigs don't like to hide their money in the mattress.

alehoof ENGLISH

Ground ivy (Nepeta Glechoma).

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A shrub or branch, properly, a branch of ivy (as sacred to Bacchus), hung out at vintners' doors, or as …

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cat's-foot ENGLISH

A plant (Nepeta Glechoma) of the same genus with catnip; ground ivy.

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crampon ENGLISH

An a/rial rootlet for support in climbing, as of ivy.

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Malt liquor medicated with ground ivy.

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The ground ivy (Nepeta Glechoma); -- called also gill over the ground, and other like names.

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haustorium ENGLISH

One of the suckerlike rootlets of such plants as the dodder and ivy.

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hederaceous ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or resembling, ivy.

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hederal ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to ivy.

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hederic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or derived from, the ivy (Hedera); as, hederic acid, an acid of the acetylene series.

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hederiferous ENGLISH

Producing ivy; ivy-bearing.

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hederose ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or of, ivy; full of ivy.

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Overgrown with ivy.

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A plant of the genus Hedera (H. helix), common in Europe. Its leaves are evergreen, dark, smooth, shining, and mostly …

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ivy-mantled ENGLISH

Covered with ivy.

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kalmia ENGLISH

A genus of North American shrubs with poisonous evergreen foliage and corymbs of showy flowers. Called also mountain laurel, ivy …

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kápkap - To twist or twine round, encircle, entwine, cling to (as ivy). (cf. kalápkap).

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nepeta ENGLISH

A genus of labiate plants, including the catnip and ground ivy.

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radicant ENGLISH

Taking root on, or above, the ground; rooting from the stem, as the trumpet creeper and the ivy.

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