"Throve" is a word in ENGLISH

throve ENGLISH

of Thrive

throve ENGLISH

imp. of Thrive.

Few words of positivity

(I)f you're not honest with yourself, life will never be honest with you.

Leigh Brackett, The Long Tomorrow

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get if you cross an apple with a Christmas tree ?A pineapple !

sumulunud HILIGAYNON

sumulúnud - (H) A follower, member of, partisan, hanger-on. (cf. sunúd).

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maudlinwort ENGLISH

The oxeye daisy.

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disjoint ENGLISH

To fall in pieces.

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A stone mason's hammer.

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intruder ENGLISH

One who intrudes; one who thrusts himself in, or enters without right, or without leave or welcome; a trespasser.

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To disappoint; to frustrate; to foil; to baffle; to /hwart; as, to balk expectation.

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The quality or state of not being defensible.

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coronary ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a crown; forming, or adapted to form, a crown or garland.

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súruk v [A2S] for the blood to boil in anger. Nagsuruk pa ning ákung dugù sa kalágut, My blood is …

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handalanaw CEBUANO

handalanaw = alindánaw.

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kalubkub CEBUANO

kalubkub n small, low-roofed hut for temporary shelter. v {1} [A; b] make such a hut. {2} [A; c] put, …

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Early; blooming; being in the first stage.

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One of the minute grains in flowerless plants, which are analogous to seeds, as serving to reproduce the species.

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ambages ENGLISH

A circuit; a winding. Hence: Circuitous way or proceeding; quibble; circumlocution; indirect mode of speech.

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bashaw ENGLISH

A very large siluroid fish (Leptops olivaris) of the Mississippi valley; -- also called goujon, mud cat, and yellow cat.

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subóg - A fish-basket carried at the hip and provided with an opening armed with spikes that point inward and …

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potance ENGLISH

The stud in which the bearing for the lower pivot of the verge is made.

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ugá - Dry, dried, exsiccated; seasoned (of timber); sun-dried fish, rice, etc.; to dry, become or make dry, to exsiccate. …

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