"Throbbed" is a word in ENGLISH

throbbed ENGLISH

of Throb

Few words of positivity

Stubbornness is a weapon.People tend to draw it out when a sensitive part of their identity is threatened—be it dignity, honor, pride, desires, etc. If loaded with righteous resolve, stubbornness can assist in overcoming obstacles and achieving great feats; however, more often than not it is loaded with anger, used as a means of destruction for both the possessor and those whom he turns his weapon upon. It is best utilized by wise individuals who are able to dispassionately perceive if their stubbornness will accomplish good, or if it should be put away and replaced by a humble substitute to spare the lives of everyone affected.

Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Albee !Albee !Albee a monkey's uncle !

agut-ut CEBUANO

agut-ut a painful in a throbbing, gnawing way. v [B46; b4] be throbbingly painful. Nag-agut-ut ang ákung hubag, My boil …

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akal-akal HILIGAYNON

akál-akál - To bubble, to seethe; to throb. Nagabukál na ang túbig, kay nagaakálakál na. The water is boiling now, …

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bayo-bayo HILIGAYNON

bayó-báyo - The pulse, the beating or throbbing of the pulse. Masákò ang túmbò sang ákon bayóbáyo. My pulse is …

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A recurring stroke; a throb; a pulsation; as, a beat of the heart; the beat of the pulse.

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To move with pulsation or throbbing.

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A sudden swelling or reenforcement of a sound, recurring at regular intervals, and produced by the interference of sound waves …

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beating ENGLISH

Pulsation; throbbing; as, the beating of the heart.

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v. /AG-/ to palpitate, throb: said of the heart or the chest. Agbitikbitik ti barukong na ti pannakakigtot na. His …

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bótoy - To be full to bursting point, to throb as a sign of a near discharge from boils, ulcers, …

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bútuk v [B2346] {1} for a burn to form a blister. Mibútuk ang ákung pánit nga nalaswaan sa nagbukal nga …

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dabudabu CEBUANO

dabudabu, dabudábu n successive blows. Nalúnud ang barku gumíkan sa dabudábu sa kaáway, The battleship sunk from the enemy bombardment. …

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To throb, as the heart.

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v. /-UM-, MANG-:-EN/ to pull with a quick shar. motion to pull with a flick or a jerk. GUTOK; GUTOKGUTOK, …

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gutubgutub CEBUANO

gutubgutub (from lagutub) v [A] make a low throbbing, boom-ing sound from the distance. Naggutubgutub ang makina sa púsu sa …

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hagúlut - To whizz, fizz, bubble; to throb, drum, din, sing, ring. Nagahagúlut ang dalúnggan ko sa gútum, sa ínit, …

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hàhà v [A; b6] clean s.t. in water by swishing it around. Ákù nang gihàháan ang mga piníkas nga isdà, …

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hakub-hakub HILIGAYNON

hakúb-hakúb - To palpitate, thump, pulsate, throb, hammer, race, beat quickly or violently; palpitation, etc. Nagahakúbhakúb ang íya tagiposóon sa …

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halab v [A13] for the stomach to throb with intense hunger pangs. Ikahumpay ni sa naghalab nímung tiyan, This will …

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hibók-hibók, hibók-híbok - Dim. and Freq. of híbok. May mga pitíkpítik nga nagahibókhibók sa siníng túbig. There are wriggling mosquito …

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hitíng-híting, hitíng-hitíng - To throb, pulsate, beat (of boils, etc.).

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