"Thomsonianism" is a word in ENGLISH

thomsonianism ENGLISH

An empirical system which assumes that the human
body is composed of four elements, earth, air, fire, and water, and
that vegetable medicines alone should be used; -- from the founder, Dr.
Samuel Thomson, of Massachusetts.

Few words of positivity

If daughters couldn't soften a man, then nothing would.

Linda Weaver Clarke, Anasazi Intrigue

Laugh your heart out.

A little girl was playing in the garden when she spied two spiders mating. "Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked. "They're mating," her father replied. "What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?" she asked. "That's a daddy long legs," her father answered. "So, the other one is a mommy long legs?" the little girl asked. "No," her father replied. "Both of them are daddy long legs." The little girl thought for a moment, then took her foot and stomped them flat. "Well, we're not having any of THAT in our garden."

adlegation ENGLISH

A right formerly claimed by the states of the German Empire of joining their own ministers with those of the …

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One of a peculiar race inhabiting Yesso, the Kooril Islands etc., in the northern part of the empire of Japan, …

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L. Lat A naval commander, under the eastern Roman empire, but not of the highest rank; the origin, ac-cording to …

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ancient ENGLISH

Old; that happened or existed in former times, usually at a great distance of time; belonging to times long past; …

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a posteriori ENGLISH

Applied to knowledge which is based upon or derived from facts through induction or experiment; inductive or empirical.

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archbutler ENGLISH

A chief butler; -- an officer of the German empire.

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A chief chamberlain; -- an officer of the old German empire, whose office was similar to that of the great …

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A chief chancellor; -- an officer in the old German empire, who presided over the secretaries of the court.

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archmarshal ENGLISH

The grand marshal of the old German empire, a dignity that to the Elector of Saxony.

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archtreasurer ENGLISH

A chief treasurer. Specifically, the great treasurer of the German empire.

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backshish ENGLISH

In Egypt and the Turkish empire, a gratuity; a \"tip\".

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A Greek word, meaning “king.” A title assumed by the emperors of the Eastern Roman Empire. It ls used by …

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beglerbeg ENGLISH

The governor of a province of the Ottoman empire, next in dignity to the grand vizier.

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Origin; beginning; as, the birth of an empire.

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A seal used by the Romnn emperors, during the lower empire; and which was of four kinds,—gold, silver, wax, and …

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bundesrath ENGLISH

The federal council of the German Empire. In the Bundesrath and the Reichstag are vested the legislative functions. The federal …

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cadilesker ENGLISH

A chief judge in the Turkish empire, so named originally because his jurisdiction extended to the cases of soldiers, who …

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calmucks ENGLISH

A branch of the Mongolian race inhabiting parts of the Russian and Chinese empires; also (sing.), the language of the …

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cathay ENGLISH

China; -- an old name for the Celestial Empire, said have been introduced by Marco Polo and to be a …

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centumvir ENGLISH

One of a court of about one hundred judges chosen to try civil suits. Under the empire the court was …

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