"Theosophist" is a word in ENGLISH

theosophist ENGLISH

One addicted to theosophy.

Few words of positivity

Against the claims of a violent "human nature" there is enormous historical evidence that people, when free of a manufactured nationalist or religious hysteria, are more inclined to be compassionate than cruel. When citizens have an opportunity to learn of vicious acts committed by their own governments, they react with indignation and protest.So long as atrocities remain remote, abstract, they will be tolerated, even by decent people.

Howard Zinn, The Bomb

Laugh your heart out.

Q. Why do bakers work so hard? A. Because they need the dough

bangag TAGALOG

bangag Definition: Tagalog slang for a drug addict, or one who is high on drugs (syn) BANGE, BANGENGE, NGEK-NGEK 2 …

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devote ENGLISH

To give up wholly; to addict; to direct the attention of wholly or compound; to attach; -- often with a …

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egotist ENGLISH

One addicted to egotism; one who speaks much of himself or magnifies his own achievements or affairs.

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exaggerator ENGLISH

One who exaggerates; one addicted to exaggeration.

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gabber ENGLISH

One addicted to idle talk.

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giyan v [A123P; a4] crave s.t. one is addicted to. Gigiyan na kug kapi kay naánad na, Im addicted to …

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jargonist ENGLISH

One addicted to jargon; one who uses cant or slang.

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lecher ENGLISH

A man given to lewdness; one addicted, in an excessive degree, to the indulgence of sexual desire, or to illicit …

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lihiánon - One who observes superstitious rules and precepts or insists on such practices and vain ceremonies. Lihiánon siá nga …

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madyung CEBUANO

madyung n {1} sandspurs, k. o. coarse grass growing about 1 that bears spikes with rows of round burrs, around …

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mannerist ENGLISH

One addicted to mannerism; a person who, in action, bearing, or treatment, carries characteristic peculiarities to excess. See citation under …

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pala- - A prefix indicative of a habit or natural inclination to what is implied by the root, e.g. palaínum, …

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One addicted to uttering platitudes, or stale and insipid truisms.

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pleonast ENGLISH

One who is addicted to pleonasm.

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politician ENGLISH

One primarily devoted to his own advancement in public office, or to the success of a political party; -- used …

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reminiscent ENGLISH

One who is addicted to indulging, narrating, or recording reminiscences.

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súlab v [A3P; b4] cause one to be addicted or crazy over s.t. Ang madyung makasúlab (makapasúlab) sa táwu, It …

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One addicted to superstition.

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tahór - A gambler, gamester, one who is addicted to gambling, a gambling addict. (cf. sugaról, sumulúgal).

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theurgist ENGLISH

One who pretends to, or is addicted to, theurgy.

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