"Theoretics" is a word in ENGLISH

theoretics ENGLISH

The speculative part of a science; speculation.

Few words of positivity

You know, like Prince Charming. Because you never know, maybe he's an enchanted prince under an evil spell." "Life isn't a fairy tale, you know," Sam said. "Wanna bet?" The teen smirked at him.

Deborah Blake, Wickedly Powerful

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How can you identify an Irish pirate?A: He's the one with patches over both eyes.

Accommodation Lands LAW AND LEGAL

Land bought by a builder or speculator, who erects houses thereon, and then leases por-tions thereof upon an improved ground-rent

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active ENGLISH

Given to action rather than contemplation; practical; operative; -- opposed to speculative or theoretical; as, an active rather than a …

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actual ENGLISH

Existing in act or reality; really acted or acting; in fact; real; -- opposed to potential, possible, virtual, speculative, conceivable, …

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adventure ENGLISH

A mercantile or speculative enterprise of hazard; a venture; a shipment by a merchant on his own account.

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agiotage ENGLISH

Exchange business; also, stockjobbing; the maneuvers of speculators to raise or lower the price of stocks or public funds.

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A. speculation on the rise and fall of the public debt of states, or the public funds. The speculator is …

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anít - Flayed, peeled; fleeced; one who has lost heavily in gambling, speculation, or the like. (cf. ánit).

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A system of rules serving to facilitate the performance of certain actions; a system of principles and rules for attaining …

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bubble ENGLISH

Anything that wants firmness or solidity; that which is more specious than real; a false show; a cheat or fraud; …

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daydream ENGLISH

A vain fancy speculation; a reverie; a castle in the air; unfounded hope.

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An arrangement to attain a desired result by a combination of interested parties; -- applied to stock speculations and political …

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dilettant ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to dilettanteism; amateur; as, dilettant speculation.

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exploit ENGLISH

Hence: To draw an illegitimate profit from; to speculate on; to put upon.

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The belief in the historic truthfulness of the Scripture narrative, and the supernatural origin of its teachings, sometimes called historical …

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finedrawn ENGLISH

Drawn out with too much subtilty; overnice; as, finedrawn speculations.

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freethinker ENGLISH

One who speculates or forms opinions independently of the authority of others; esp., in the sphere or religion, one who …

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freethinking ENGLISH

Undue boldness of speculation; unbelief.

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freethinking ENGLISH

Exhibiting undue boldness of speculation; skeptical.

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This term has grown out of those purely speculative transactions, in which there ls a nominal contract of sale for

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hugunhugun CEBUANO

hugunhúgun n talk about doing s.t. , speculation or plans. Adú-nay hugunhúgun nga dismisun ang ílang kásu, There is talk …

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