"Tetraspore" is a word in ENGLISH

tetraspore ENGLISH

A nonsexual spore, one of a group of four regularly
occurring in red seaweeds.

Few words of positivity

It is indeed a curse to dream as you walk amongst the dreamless

rassool jibraeel snyman

Laugh your heart out.

A soldier keeps a mug upside down and tells the sergeant:- I can't drink from this mug. It has no opening.The sergeant examines the mug and says:- You are right. And besides this, it has no bottom.

metagenesis ENGLISH

The change of form which one animal species undergoes in a series of successively produced individuals, extending from the one …

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nonsexual ENGLISH

Having no distinction of sex; sexless; neuter.

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oophore ENGLISH

An alternately produced form of certain cryptogamous plants, as ferns, mosses, and the like, which bears antheridia and archegonia, and …

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The production of seed without fertilization, believed to occur through the nonsexual formation of an embryo extraneous to the embrionic …

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platonical ENGLISH

Pure, passionless; nonsexual; philosophical.

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sphaerospore ENGLISH

One of the nonsexual spores found in red algae; a tetraspore.

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sporogony ENGLISH

The growth or development of an animal or a zooid from a nonsexual germ.

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sporophore ENGLISH

That alternately produced form of certain cryptogamous plants, as ferns, mosses, and the like, which is nonsexual, but produces spores …

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