"Tetrapharmacom" is a word in ENGLISH

tetrapharmacom ENGLISH

Alt. of Tetrapharmacum

Few words of positivity

Toward the end of February 1954, James Beard was at work in his Greenwich Village kitchen doing what he most loved to do: cooking delicious meals.

Laura Shapiro, Something from the Oven: Reinventing Dinner in 1950s America

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call a black Eskimo dog ?A dusky husky !

racket ENGLISH

To strike with, or as with, a racket.

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interject ENGLISH

To throw one's self between or among; to come between; to interpose.

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papámbo - Caus. of pámbo—to bleed from the nose.

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undergroan ENGLISH

To groan beneath.

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declination ENGLISH

The act or state of falling off or declining from excellence or perfection; deterioration; decay; decline.

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strain ENGLISH

To make uneasy or unnatural; to produce with apparent effort; to force; to constrain.

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supervisory ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to supervision; as, supervisory powers.

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kamantolan HILIGAYNON

kamantolán - A kind of grass.

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lantanuric ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or designating, a nitrogenous organic acid of the uric acid group, obtained by the decomposition of allantoin, and …

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miseducate ENGLISH

To educate in a wrong manner.

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interdental ENGLISH

Situated between teeth; as, an interdental space, the space between two teeth in a gear wheel.

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saláryo - (Sp. salario) Wages, hire, salary, allowance, remuneration, emolument, stipend. (cf. sóhol, baláyran, swéldo).

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That which resembles silk, as the filiform styles of the female flower of maize.

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manichee ENGLISH

A believer in the doctrines of Manes, a Persian of the third century A. D., who taught a dualism in …

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ammunition ENGLISH

Articles used in charging firearms and ordnance of all kinds; as powder, balls, shot, shells, percussion caps, rockets, etc.

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transmit CEBUANO

transmit v [A; c] transmit a message by radio, telegraph, etc. Itransmit dáyun nang tiligráma kay dinalian, Transmit that ca-ble …

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See Precipitin Test.

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escutcheoned ENGLISH

Having an escutcheon; furnished with a coat of arms or ensign.

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