"Tetrahedral" is a word in ENGLISH

tetrahedral ENGLISH

Having, or composed of, four sides.

tetrahedral ENGLISH

Having the form of the regular tetrahedron.

tetrahedral ENGLISH

Pertaining or related to a tetrahedron, or to the
system of hemihedral forms to which the tetrahedron belongs.

Few words of positivity

Darkness does not exist at all. It is merely the absence of light but it is essential for being there even if it isn't there at all given that it takes a certain amount of darkness to allow one in understanding light. How would have one understood light, or say, differentiated light from light, if it were not for the absence of light- darkness- to allow such a generous sympathy?

Q. M. Sidd

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call a pen with no hair ?A bald point !

cuproid ENGLISH

A solid related to a tetrahedron, and contained under twelve equal triangles.

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deltohedron ENGLISH

A solid bounded by twelve quadrilateral faces. It is a hemihedral form of the isometric system, allied to the tetrahedron.

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hemihedral ENGLISH

Having half of the similar parts of a crystals, instead of all; consisting of half the planes which full symmetry …

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hemihedron ENGLISH

A solid hemihedrally derived. The tetrahedron is a hemihedron.

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tetrahedron ENGLISH

A solid figure inclosed or bounded by four triangles.

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