"Tetracolon" is a word in ENGLISH

tetracolon ENGLISH

A stanza or division in lyric poetry, consisting of
four verses or lines.

Few words of positivity

Be an individual, let out the self that hides away at the expense of others approval.

Nikki Rowe

Laugh your heart out.

A man and his son were shovelling the driveway after a heavy snowfall when their dog, Lady, wandered away from them. Man, fearing the dog might be hit by car, shouted angrily: "Lady! Lady! Get over here right now!" The dog charged happily back over to them, accompanied by a commuter who had been standing at the bus stop. "Yes, sir, what can I do for you?" she asked.

acrostic ENGLISH

A Hebrew poem in which the lines or stanzas begin with the letters of the alphabet in regular order (as …

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A musical idea, or motive, rhythmically developed in consecutive single tones, so as to form a symmetrical and balanced whole, …

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balitaw CEBUANO

balítaw a {1} an improvised courtship song consisting of stanzas sung alternately by a boy and the girl he is …

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ballad ENGLISH

A popular kind of narrative poem, adapted for recitation or singing; as, the ballad of Chevy Chase; esp., a sentimental …

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ballade ENGLISH

A form of French versification, sometimes imitated in English, in which three or four rhymes recur through three stanzas of …

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burden ENGLISH

The verse repeated in a song, or the return of the theme at the end of each stanza; the chorus; …

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chorus ENGLISH

Parts of a song or hymn recurring at intervals, as at the end of stanzas; also, a company of singers …

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ditsu n extemporaneous verse recited in the kulilísi, consisting of stanzas of four lines, at least two of which are …

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epiphora ENGLISH

The emphatic repetition of a word or phrase, at the end of several sentences or stanzas.

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húgpung - To be attached or joined to; part, division; stanza, strophe. Ang tátlo ka búlak naghúgpung sa isá lámang …

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intercalate ENGLISH

To insert among others, as a verse in a stanza; specif. (Geol.), to introduce as a bed or stratum, between …

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interlude ENGLISH

A short piece of instrumental music played between the parts of a song or cantata, or the acts of a …

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istansa CEBUANO

istansa n stanza of a poem. v [c] write, add a stanza. Ang makapahinuklug nga panápus ang iistansa sa katapúsan, …

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istrupa CEBUANO

istrúpa n stanza of a sort.

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kumpusu CEBUANO

kumpúsu n ballad in a minor key treating of love or heroism. It is composed of stanzas of four lines …

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lak-ab CEBUANO

lak-ab n a stanza in a poem or song.

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mesymnicum ENGLISH

A repetition at the end of a stanza.

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Rhythmical arrangement of syllables or words into verses, stanzas, strophes, etc.; poetical measure, depending on number, quantity, and accent of …

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octave ENGLISH

The first two stanzas of a sonnet, consisting of four verses each; a stanza of eight lines.

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quartette ENGLISH

A stanza of four lines.

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