"Testif" is a word in ENGLISH

testif ENGLISH

Testy; headstrong; obstinate.

Few words of positivity

We are inspired by divine power to write.

Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!

Laugh your heart out.

Q. How do you know a blonde has been using the computer?A. There is cheese in front of the mouse.

starve ENGLISH

To die; to perish.

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Affluent; abounding; well furnished or suppled; hence, liberal; prodigal.

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n. foam, bubble, froth. v. /AG-/ to bubble, foam.

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old-fashioned ENGLISH

Formed according to old or obsolete fashion or pattern; adhering to old customs or ideas; as, an old-fashioned dress, girl.

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pecten ENGLISH

The comb of a scorpion. See Comb, 4 (b).

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Gunny cloth made from the fiber of the Corchorus olitorius, or jute.

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practisour ENGLISH
lapulapu CEBUANO

lapulápu n commercial name given to groupers (pugápu).

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bowsprit ENGLISH

A large boom or spar, which projects over the stem of a ship or other vessel, to carry sail forward.

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hotchpot ENGLISH

Alt. of Hotchpotch

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dissolvent ENGLISH

Having power to dissolve power to dissolve a solid body; as, the dissolvent juices of the stomach.

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A frame worn on the neck of an animal, as a cow, a pig, a goose, to prevent passage through …

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keramic ENGLISH

Same as Ceramic.

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thrifty ENGLISH

Growing rapidly or vigorously; thriving; as, a thrifty plant or colt.

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hermogenian ENGLISH

A disciple of Hermogenes, an heretical teacher who lived in Africa near the close of the second century. He held …

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To make white, as with chalk; to make pale; to bleach.

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distant ENGLISH

Indistinct; faint; obscure, as from distance.

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