"Tenore Frjesentium" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Tenore Frjesentium LAW AND LEGAL

By the ten-or of these presents, i. e., the matter con-tained thereln, or rather the lntent and meaning thereof. Cowell

Few words of positivity

Most people are far too much occupied with themselves to be malicious.

Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What did the Pink Panther say when he stepped on an ant?A: "Dead ant, Dead Ant ... Dead ant, Dead Ant .. Dead Ant"(to the tune of Pink Panther theme).

Accessory Action LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch prac-tice. An action which is subservient or auxiliary to another, of this kind are ac-Aions of “proving the …

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Formerly the part sung by the highest male, or counter-tenor, voices; now the part sung by the lowest female, or …

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baritone ENGLISH

A male voice, the compass of which partakes of the common bass and the tenor, but which does not descend …

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bassetto ENGLISH

A tenor or small bass viol.

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bombardino HILIGAYNON

bombardíno - Tenor-horn, euphonium.

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bratsche ENGLISH

The tenor viola, or viola.

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The highest vocal part; the air or melody in choral music; anciently the tenor, now the soprano.

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To indicate, as by a symptom, some method of treatment contrary to that which the general tenor of the case …

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contralto ENGLISH

The part sung by the highest male or lowest female voices; the alto or counter tenor.

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contratenor ENGLISH

Counter tenor; contralto.

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A tenor clarinet; -- called also basset horn, and sometimes confounded with the English horn, which is a tenor oboe.

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counter ENGLISH

Same as Contra. Formerly used to designate any under part which served for contrast to a principal part, but now …

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counter tenor ENGLISH

One of the middle parts in music, between the tenor and the treble; high tenor.

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descant ENGLISH

Originally, a double song; a melody or counterpoint sung above the plain song of the tenor; a variation of an …

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falsetto ENGLISH

A false or artificial voice; that voice in a man which lies above his natural voice; the male counter tenor …

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homotonous ENGLISH

Of the same tenor or tone; equable; without variation.

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To cause to remain in a given situation or condition; to maintain unchanged; to hold or preserve in any state …

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A part, whether alto or tenor, intermediate between the soprano and base; a middle part.

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Misreading LAW AND LEGAL

Reading a deed or other lnstrument to an llliterate or blind man (who is a party to lt) ln a …

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In English law. A writ used ln sending a record or its tenor from one court to another. Thus, where …

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