"Tenacy" is a word in ENGLISH

tenacy ENGLISH

Tenaciousness; obstinacy.

Few words of positivity

To find the inner peace be utmost honest to yourself.

Debasish Mridha

Laugh your heart out.

Yo mama so fat when she goes to an amusement park, people try to ride HER!

subriguous ENGLISH

Watered or wet beneath; well-watered.

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denotative ENGLISH

Having power to denote; designating or marking off.

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A young herring.

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esteem ENGLISH

Estimation; opinion of merit or value; hence, valuation; reckoning; price.

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arisgr CEBUANO

arisgr paN- v [A; b6] try s.t. regardless of the consequences. Mangarisgr kug panágat bisag dakù ang balud, I will …

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mumog2 Passive Verb: imumug Definition: (verb) gargle 2 Definition: Notes: Examples: Imumug mo ang tubig na may asin para gumaling …

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suspicion ENGLISH

Slight degree; suggestion; hint.

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tinawu CEBUANO

tináwu see táwu.

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niggard ENGLISH

Like a niggard; meanly covetous or parsimonious; niggardly; miserly; stingy.

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ringkadol HILIGAYNON

ringkádol - To rattle, clatter (as wood tumbling down a staircase, or the like; rattling, clattering. (cf. linagápok, linágot, lungkágay).

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Estate In Expectancy LAW AND LEGAL

One which is not yet in possession, but the enjoyment of which is to begin at a future time;a present …

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stoner ENGLISH

One who walls with stones.

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bibliya CEBUANO

bibliya, biblíya n the Holy Bible.

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diksiyonaryo TAGALOG

diksiyonaryo Definition: (noun) dictionary

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To inveigle, entice, tempt, or lure; as, to decoy a person within the ju-risdiction of a court so that he …

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pútson - A fish-trap, a small fishing net.

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radikal CEBUANO

radikal a radical, one who wants to change the social structure radically, or for ideas to be radical. v [B12; …

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