"Teek" is a word in ENGLISH


See Teak.

Few words of positivity

It is of great importance in a republic not only to guard against the oppression of its rulers but to guard one part of society against the injustice of the other part.

Alexander Hamilton

Laugh your heart out.

A man who thinks he's George Washington has been seeing a psychiatrist. He finishes up one session by telling him, "Tomorrow, we'll cross the Delaware and surprise them when they least expect it." As soon as he's gone, the psychiatrist picks up the phone and says, "King George, this is Benedict Arnold. I have the plans."

academism ENGLISH

The doctrines of the Academic philosophy.

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sagidsid CEBUANO

sagidsid v [A3; b4(1)] move too close to the edge of a pathway or passageway. Nagpasagidsid pagpadágan ang awtu mau …

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Nimbus, or rain cloud. See Nimbus, and Cloud.

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preparatory ENGLISH

Preparing the way for anything by previous measures of adaptation; antecedent and adapted to what follows; introductory; preparative; as, a …

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zoomelanin ENGLISH

A pigment giving the black color to the feathers of many birds.

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pirarucu ENGLISH

Same as Arapaima.

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blunderbuss ENGLISH

A stupid, blundering fellow.

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poacher ENGLISH

One who poaches; one who kills or catches game or fish contrary to law.

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Producing, or abounding with, spices.

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collective ENGLISH

Expressing a collection or aggregate of individuals, by a singular form; as, a collective name or noun, like assembly, army, …

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waterhorse ENGLISH

A pile of salted fish heaped up to drain.

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píkrat - To tear, rend, etc. See bíkrat, páhak.

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mangle ENGLISH

To mutilate or injure, in making, doing, or pertaining; as, to mangle a piece of music or a recitation.

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gonoph ENGLISH

A pickpocket or thief.

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sudden ENGLISH

Hasty; violent; rash; precipitate.

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Act of deconcentrating.

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indecisively ENGLISH

Without decision.

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pundir CEBUANO

pundir v [A; a2] melt and cast metal. Pundíhun ni námung brunsig kampána, We will cast this bronze slab into …

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consult ENGLISH

To bring about by counsel or contrivance; to devise; to contrive.

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