"Tectonic" is a word in ENGLISH

tectonic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to building or construction;

Few words of positivity

We did everything correctly, following the established plan approved by management!' Just as under socialism--we do and did everything correctly, yet life, the world, continues to collapse beneath our feet like a reactor that has entered a runaway state of nuclear meltdown. Is there any need to explain what those two great liberating words mean: chain reaction?

Georgi Tenev, Party Headquarters

Laugh your heart out.

Policeman: Didn't you see that stop sign?Driver: I keep my eyes closed in traffic.

aaronical ENGLISH

Pertaining to Aaron, the first high priest of the Jews.

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abactinal ENGLISH

Pertaining to the surface or end opposite to the mouth in a radiate animal; -- opposed to actinal.

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abdominal ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the abdomen; ventral; as, the abdominal regions, muscles, cavity.

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abecedary ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or formed by, the letters of the alphabet; alphabetic; hence, rudimentary.

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abietic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the fir tree or its products; as, abietic acid, called also sylvic acid.

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abietinic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to abietin; as, abietinic acid.

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abiogenetic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to abiogenesis.

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abiological ENGLISH

Pertaining to the study of inanimate things.

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ablutionary ENGLISH

Pertaining to ablution.

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aboriginal ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to aborigines; as, a Hindoo of aboriginal blood.

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abortional ENGLISH

Pertaining to abortion; miscarrying; abortive.

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abrahamic ENGLISH

Pertaining to Abraham, the patriarch; as, the Abrachamic covenant.

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absentaneous ENGLISH

Pertaining to absence.

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absinthial ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to wormwood; absinthian.

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absolutist ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to absolutism; arbitrary; despotic; as, absolutist principles.

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absolutistic ENGLISH

Pertaining to absolutism; absolutist.

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abstractional ENGLISH

Pertaining to abstraction.

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abysmal ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or resembling, an abyss; bottomless; unending; profound.

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abyssinian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Abyssinia.

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acadian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Acadie, or Nova Scotia.

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