"Techily" is a word in ENGLISH

techily ENGLISH

In a techy manner.

Few words of positivity

Today I bent the truth to be kind and I have no regret for I am far surer of what is kind that I am of what is true.

Robert Brault

Laugh your heart out.

I think I hear burglars, dear. Are you awake? No!


maakígon - Bad-tempered, testy, irascible, irritable, techy, touchy, fiery, choleric, easily excited to anger, easily exasperated or provoked. (cf. ákig, …

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mainakigon HILIGAYNON

mainakígon - (H) Irascible, badtempered, choleric, getting angry soon, quarrelsome, easily excited to anger, irritable, touchy, testy, techy, wrathful, hottempered. …

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maugtasón, maugtáson - Angry, irritable, very impatient, irascible, badtempered, choleric, touchy, techy; annoying, harassing, provoking. (cf. úgtas, maúgtas, makaulúgtas).

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pikón - Irascible, irritable, choleric, testy, techy, touchy, getting angry at the slightest provocation. (cf. madorogsánon, mainakígon, buróka, burakínta, kutóskutós, …

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pito-pito HILIGAYNON

pitó-pitó - Irascible, choleric; irritable, testy, techy, touchy, hot—, sharp—, quick—, short—, tempered. (cf. sanggurút, pikón, kutóskutós).

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techiness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being techy.

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Peevish; fretful; irritable.

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tetchiness ENGLISH
touchy ENGLISH

Peevish; irritable; irascible; techy; apt to take fire.

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