"Tattoo" is a word in ENGLISH

tattoo ENGLISH

An indelible mark or figure made by puncturing the skin and
introducing some pigment into the punctures; -- a mode of ornamentation
practiced by various barbarous races, both in ancient and modern times,
and also by some among civilized nations, especially by sailors.

tattoo ENGLISH

To color, as the flesh, by pricking in coloring matter,
so as to form marks or figures which can not be washed out.

tattoo ENGLISH

A beat of drum, or sound of a trumpet or bugle, at night,
giving notice to soldiers to retreat, or to repair to their quarters in
garrison, or to their tents in camp.

Few words of positivity

Plodding wins the race.


Laugh your heart out.

Have you heard that all the buses and trains are stopping today? No. Is there a strike? No, they're stopping to let the passengers off.

alimpatakan CEBUANO

alimpatakan n {1} the mind as the seat of thinking processes. Isilsil pag-áyu sa inyung alimpatakan arun dì giyud ninyu …

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álom - (H) A mole, a small, black (or even white) spot or pimple, never larger than a wart. It …

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To mark or impress indelibly, as with a hot iron.

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Cross; coarse; indelicate; as, a broad compliment; a broad joke; broad humor.

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coarse ENGLISH

Not refined; rough; rude; unpolished; gross; indelicate; as, coarse manners; coarse language.

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A word or expression admitting of a double interpretation, one of which is often obscure or indelicate.

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euphemism ENGLISH

A figure in which a harts or indelicate word or expression is softened; a way of describing an offensive thing …

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To impress deeply (on the mind); to fix indelibly.

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greasily ENGLISH

In a gross or indelicate manner.

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greasy ENGLISH

Gross; indelicate; indecent.

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immodest ENGLISH

Not modest; wanting in the reserve or restraint which decorum and decency require; indecent; indelicate; obscene; lewd; as, immodest persons, …

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imprint ENGLISH

To fix indelibly or permanently, as in the mind or memory; to impress.

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indelibility ENGLISH

The quality of being indelible.

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indelible ENGLISH

That can not be annulled; indestructible.

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indelible ENGLISH

That can not be removed, washed away, blotted out, or effaced; incapable of being canceled, lost, or forgotten; as, indelible …

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indelicacy ENGLISH

The quality of being indelicate; want of delicacy, or of a nice sense of, or regard for, purity, propriety, or …

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indelicate ENGLISH

Not delicate; wanting delicacy; offensive to good manners, or to purity of mind; coarse; rude; as, an indelicate word or …

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ineffaceable ENGLISH

Incapable of being effaced; indelible; ineradicable.

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lantod TAGALOG

lantod Definition: (adj) indelicately dressed, or prone to be so; loose (women)

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lungbuy CEBUANO

lungbuy n {1} small tree with elliptic leathery leaves 612 cm. , bearing clusters of juicy, oval fruit, dark purple, …

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