"Tarutut" is a word in CEBUANO

tarutut CEBUANO

tarútut = tarúrut.

Few words of positivity

The older I got the more I appreciated the role of travel as a stimulus to memories, and the way in which journeys even to new places were somehow always awakening memories of places seen in an ever-receding past.

Michael Jacobs, The Robber of Memories: A River Journey Through Colombia

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the Brooklyn bubblebrain who was two hours late for work because the escalator got stuck?


bantútut - A toy-whistle, made of the leaflets of the coconut palm, or the like. (cf. tarútut, turútud, turútuk).

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tarútud, tarútuk, tarútut - A toywhistle. See torótot. (cf. bantútut).

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