"Tarsalia" is a word in ENGLISH

tarsalia ENGLISH

of Tarsale

Few words of positivity

Men and women whose early youth was shaped in the ordeal of the Great Depression showed the values formed in that crucible when tyranny threatened a world.

Steve Buyer

Laugh your heart out.

Father: What did the teacher think of your idea?Son: She took it like a lambTeacher: Really?, what did she say?Son: Baa!

cuniform ENGLISH

One of the three tarsal bones supporting the first, second third metatarsals. They are usually designated as external, middle, and …

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heteromerous ENGLISH

Having five tarsal joints in the anterior and middle legs, but only four in the posterior pair, as the blister …

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intertarsal ENGLISH

Between the tarsal bones; as, the intertarsal articulations.

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A division of beetles having the fifth tarsal joint minute and obscure, so that there appear to be but four …

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tarsal ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the tarsus (either of the foot or eye).

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tarsal ENGLISH

A tarsal bone or cartilage; a tarsale.

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tarsal ENGLISH
tarsale ENGLISH

One of the bones or cartilages of the tarsus; esp., one of the series articulating with the metatarsals.

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tarsius ENGLISH

A genus of nocturnal lemurine mammals having very large eyes and ears, a long tail, and very long proximal tarsal …

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tarsotomy ENGLISH

The operation of cutting or removing the tarsal cartilages.

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tarsus ENGLISH

A plate of dense connective tissue or cartilage in the eyelid of man and many animals; -- called also tarsal …

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taxaspidean ENGLISH

Having the posterior tarsal scales, or scutella, rectangular and arranged in regular rows; -- said of certain birds.

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tetramera ENGLISH

A division of Coleoptera having, apparently, only four tarsal joints, one joint being rudimentary.

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